SIAL Paris 2024 is on! Request Your Tickets

SIAL Paris, to be held from 19 to 23 October at Paris Nord Villepinte, is the world's largest food trade show, with over 285,000 visitors, 7,500 exhibitors and 400,000 products on display. As a key bu...

Autore: Business Wire

PARIS: SIAL Paris, to be held from 19 to 23 October at Paris Nord Villepinte, is the world's largest food trade show, with over 285,000 visitors, 7,500 exhibitors and 400,000 products on display. As a key business generator, every two years it offers a unique insight into the trends and opportunities in the sector. To celebrate its 60th anniversary, SIAL Paris is planning an exceptional, festive and inspiring edition!

The show has opened its ticket office, enabling visitors to plan their visit now and benefit from a great price (50% reduction) and a simplified access (digital tickets).


Among the key highlights will be a new exhibitor booth arrangement. To improve the visitor experience, SIAL acknowledges 80% of visitors have expressed their wish to see the stands organized by product type in order to make more efficient rounds. The new floor plan will group exhibitors by theme.


To mark its 60th anniversary, SIAL Paris is revolutionising the traditional conference experience with the launch of SIAL Summits: 4 summits dedicated to the crucial issues and innovative perspectives shaping our industry.

Join us from Sunday 20 to Tuesday 22 October 2024 to explore the following themes and develop concrete solutions for the challenges of tomorrow:

Professionals can book their place at these summits at the same time as they buy their ticket for the show at the rate of €80 for the Summit, or opt for the Summit Pack at €160, which gives access to all 4 conference cycles.


This year SIAL Paris celebrates its 60th anniversary with a bountiful supply of new products!

About SIAL Paris
Organised by Comexposium, SIAL Paris is the largest food industry trade fair in the world with more than 7,500 exhibitors and 400,000 exhibited products. The event is part of the SIAL Network, the world’s largest network of food and drink trade fairs. Through eleven regular events, the network brings together 17,000 exhibitors and 700,000 professionals from over 200 countries. The next SIAL Paris will be held from 19 to 23 October 2024 at Paris Nord Villepinte.

Fonte: Business Wire

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