to Open up Proprietary Machine Learning Models With Strategic API Program, the world’s only Smart Interviewer™ platform powered by deep-learning AI, will open up its proprietary machine learning models to the world as part of a strategic API program. Starting w...

Autore: Business Wire

MELBOURNE, Australia:, the world’s only Smart Interviewer™ platform powered by deep-learning AI, will open up its proprietary machine learning models to the world as part of a strategic API program.

Starting with a launch on the AWS Marketplace, aims to give companies globally a running start in developing their own workplace-based AI applications, leveraging the learnings gained from a dataset of over 20 million question-and-answer pairs from 4 million global candidates, collected over half a decade.

“This move will give organisations around the world the head start they need in getting ahead of the AI revolution in developing their own AI solutions,” CEO Barb Hyman said.

“There is so much our AI technology can already do. It can identify candidate traits and aptitudes and also coach talent on skills they need to improve. But this is only the beginning. We expect this move will be similarly transformative for organisations already testing the waters with their own AI applications.

“This offering compliments our existing Smart Interviewer platform. Organisations will also be able to partner with us directly to leverage our Smart Interviewer technology to improve their hiring processes and diversity outcomes in their organisation.”

A pioneer in ethical AI solutions and contributor to the scientific discussion on its use, global brands trust to accelerate and enhance their recruitment and promotion processes. A conversational, Natural Language Processing (NLP) based chat AI interviews, assesses and screens for the best talent at scale via an easy-to-use platform, generating insights for both candidates and hiring teams.

Its platform is available for use in over 10 languages, aiming to put all talent — even those who do not speak English as a first language — at ease during the hiring process.

This process also aims to improve diversity outcomes by helping eliminate unconscious bias in candidate screening.


Founded by a former Chief Human Resources Officer, is at the forefront of AI-fuelled disruption across all aspects of HR. Trusted by some of the world’s most respected consumer brands, identifies undiscovered talent in a truly unique way – by looking beyond the resume to the true human potential of every applicant.

Fonte: Business Wire

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