Wolters Kluwer adds IV Workflow Management to Simplifi+ Pharmacy Compliance Suite for a complete compounding solution

#IVmedicine--Wolters Kluwer Health is collaborating with ConsortiEX, a pharmacy software and services company specializing in DQSA compliance, to offer Assure-Trak® IV Workflow Management in the Simp...

Autore: Business Wire

Adding ConsortiEX Assure-Trak simplifies USP compliance and assures safe, accurate and efficient compounding workflows

WALTHAM, Mass.: #IVmedicine--Wolters Kluwer Health is collaborating with ConsortiEX, a pharmacy software and services company specializing in DQSA compliance, to offer Assure-Trak® IV Workflow Management in the Simplifi+® suite for compounding compliance. As Simplifi+ IV Workflow Management, the integration supports safer end-to-end compliance for compounded medications and more streamlined pharmacy workflows. Healthcare facilities using IV Workflow Management together with Simplifi 797® have a complete pharmacy compounding solution to help improve safety, accuracy, and efficiency.

“Pharmacies are working to balance a changing regulatory landscape with expanded responsibilities for patient care and medication shortages that are driving compounding volumes up,” said Karen Kobelski, Vice President and General Manager of Clinical Surveillance, Compliance & Data Solutions, Wolters Kluwer, Health. “The addition of IV Workflow Management to Simplifi+ builds customers’ confidence in meeting USP compliance requirements and ISMP safety recommendations.”

Pharmacy teams boost efficiency and safety with digital audit trails

Demand for compounded medications is increasing alongside added regulatory requirements, yet pharmacy staffing and technology adoption are lacking, raising the potential for errors and risks to patient safety. Readiness for unexpected audits also suffers when relying on manual documentation and processes to demonstrate compliance with environmental and maintenance tasks, training and competency assessments, and compounding records.

Arkansas-based Conway Regional Health System has relied on both solutions to effectively power their compounding compliance. “We have been using solutions from Wolters Kluwer Health and ConsortiEX separately for years, and we were excited to learn about the integration of these two powerful compliance tools into one platform,” said Ryan Brown, PharmD, Pharmacy Manager at Conway Regional Health System. “Using Simplifi 797 with Assure-Trak helps streamline our compliance efforts and aids our team with both competency instructions and documentation. It also gives pharmacy more control, with less reliance on IT. It just makes sense.”

Together, Simplifi 797 and Simplifi+ IV Workflow Management make it easier than ever to digitally manage compliance reporting—putting a director of pharmacy’s mind at ease about inspection readiness. Industry studies show that technology-assisted workflows detect 14 times more errors than manual processes, leading to safer, faster, and lower-cost compounding preparation.

“We intentionally designed the product not only for the person who needs to maintain the Master Formulation Records and the NDC database, but also the technician compounding the drugs and the pharmacist who verifies every drug is compounded correctly,” said Neal Long, CEO of ConsortiEX.

Kobelski added, “We are excited to be working together with ConsortiEX in this innovative collaboration focused on delivering a more complete solution to our customers.”

Learn more about the Simplifi+ suite, now with Simplifi+ IV Workflow Management with Assure-Trak.

For more information about Wolters Kluwer, please visit: www.wolterskluwer.com.

About Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) is a global leader in information, software solutions and services for professionals in healthcare; tax and accounting; financial and corporate compliance; legal and regulatory; corporate performance and ESG. We help our customers make critical decisions every day by providing expert solutions that combine deep domain knowledge with technology and services.

Wolters Kluwer reported 2023 annual revenues of €5.6 billion. The group serves customers in over 180 countries, maintains operations in over 40 countries, and employs approximately 21,400 people worldwide. The company is headquartered in Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands.

For more information, visit www.wolterskluwer.com, follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

Fonte: Business Wire

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