Cedar Gate Technologies Congratulates CardioVascular Care Providers (CVCP) on 40 Years of Bundled Cardiac Care

Cedar Gate Technologies, a leading value-based care technology company offering prospective bundled payments and services, congratulates CardioVascular Care Providers (CVCP), an integrated physician n...

Autore: Business Wire

Value-based care leader and Texas-based physician network mark long-running partnership to make the highest quality cardiac care more accessible and affordable

GREENWICH, Conn.: Cedar Gate Technologies, a leading value-based care technology company offering prospective bundled payments and services, congratulates CardioVascular Care Providers (CVCP), an integrated physician network in Texas and pioneer in developing prospective bundled payments, on its 40th anniversary. The anniversary also commemorates a nearly 25-year partnership between the two organizations.

“Two decades ago, CVCP partnered with Global Healthcare Alliance – now part of the Cedar Gate suite of value-based care solutions – on its journey pioneering prospective bundles and building a world-renowned cardiovascular Center of Excellence program,” said David B. Snow Jr., Chairman and CEO of Cedar Gate. “Cedar Gate is proud of this enduring and innovative partnership that advances patient outcomes and solves critical issues in the healthcare industry. Our partnership includes designing and implementing a portfolio of cardiovascular prospective bundled payments that aligns provider incentives with clinical and financial performance, prioritizing operational efficiency and unparalleled patient care.”

Founded in 1984 by world-renowned cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Denton A. Cooley, CVCP is a financially and clinically integrated group of world-class physicians. This structure enables shared financial risk among CVCP providers, incentivizing them to cooperate with one another and with payers to control costs and improve quality. Prospective bundles have proven to be one of the most effective alternative payment models (APMs) in healthcare, successfully limiting the total cost of care while maintaining the highest level of care quality.

Dr. Cooley introduced the first bundled payments with employers before bringing the program to Medicare patients through the Healthcare Finance Administration Cardiac Bypass Demonstration Project in 1991. This created the financial mechanism enabling shared clinical and financial risk on which the program has successfully operated for the last four decades.

“Bundled payment packages are a win for everyone involved in the care journey,” said Dr. Eduardo Hernandez, President of CVCP, President of The Texas Heart Institute Center for Cardiovascular Care, and a cardiovascular physician in Houston. “They’re a win for providers with more predictable revenue streams and a win for payers looking for opportunities to control costs and manage quality. Most importantly, they’re a win for patients as we help them achieve better cardiovascular health outcomes.”

CVCP engages Cedar Gate’s Bundles Program Management services, which include an experienced team of bundles professionals who design, administer, and optimize payments. Providers who are part of CVCP operate within a Center of Excellence network to provide quality care for the most common cardiovascular procedures.

“Dr. Cooley is known around the world as the first surgeon to successfully perform a total artificial heart transplant, as well as the first in the United States to perform a human heart transplant,” said Snow. “But he later remarked that his creation of the first-ever cardiovascular packaged pricing plan, in his view, would be the milestone that would have the greatest impact on healthcare. We are excited to celebrate this milestone and look forward to continuing to advance healthcare as their partner.”

Discover the whole story at www.cvcp40.com.

About Cedar Gate Technologies:

Cedar Gate enables payers, providers, employers, and service administrators to excel at value-based care with a unified technology and services platform delivering analytics, population health, and payment technology on a single data management foundation. From primary care attribution, to bundled payments, to capitation, Cedar Gate is improving clinical, financial, and operational outcomes for every payment model in all lines of business.

To learn more, go to cedargate.com

About CardioVascular Care Providers:

CardioVascular Care Providers, Inc. (CVCP) was founded by world-renowned heart surgeon Dr. Denton A. Cooley, and is one the nation’s first value-based care delivery organizations. For 40 years CVCP has been a pioneer in offering the highest quality professional medical services to cardiovascular patients.

The CVCP network includes cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, and specialists affiliated with The Texas Heart Institute, Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, Houston Methodist Hospital, and other Texas facilities and health systems, who provide cardiovascular-specific services to managed health care members under value-based arrangements.

To learn more, go to cvcpdocs.com

Fonte: Business Wire

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