Thales Now Provides Complete Passwordless Functionality for Enterprises with Passwordless 360°

Thales, the leading global technology and security provider, today announced Passwordless 360°, a new concept for passwordless authentication which offers Thales customers the broadest coverage of pa...

Autore: Business Wire

MEUDON, France: Thales, the leading global technology and security provider, today announced Passwordless 360°, a new concept for passwordless authentication which offers Thales customers the broadest coverage of passwordless function across multiple types of users and assurance levels. Passwordless 360° has the flexibility to let companies use the latest technologies like FIDO passkeys, while also making the most of previous investments they might have made in passwordless technologies.

End users are increasingly frustrated with the number of passwords they’re asked to use, as well as the rules in place around their complexity. With the average person having as many as 100 to manage, users seek workarounds to get by – choosing passwords that are easier to remember or reusing the same password across multiple services.

Passwordless 360° provides a complete set of tools that let organizations use passwordless authentication across a wide range of applications - from secure access to personal and work devices, to legacy and modern web resources. This helps keep the costs of making the move to passwordless down by being able to use one system – as well as increasing the likelihood that employees, customers and suppliers will use it. By removing the need to use traditional passwords it also eliminates the associated security risks through theft and phishing. Passwordless 360° can also meet the individual risk management requirements an organization might have, adhering to NIST requirements no matter where the passkeys are stored.

Sitting alongside the existing Thales OneWelcome Identity Platform that serves as the foundation for passwordless policies, the Passwordless 360° concept includes:

The announcement comes as Thales has been named an Overall, Product, Innovation and Market Leader in KuppingerCole’s latest Leadership Compass on Passwordless Authentication for Consumers, with the platform praised for offering a versatile set of identity applications encompassing a wide range of authentication methods to meet organizations’ needs.

Alejandro Leal, Research Analyst at KuppingerCole commented: “Overall, Thales offers a comprehensive solution that enables organizations to improve their identity management practices, adapt to evolving technologies, and effectively secure their systems and data. Organizations in highly regulated industries and security-conscious organizations in both the public and private sectors that require strong authentication options should consider the OneWelcome Identity Platform.”

About Thales

Thales (Euronext Paris: HO) is a global leader in advanced technologies specialized in three business domains: Defence & Security, Aeronautics & Space, and Cybersecurity & Digital identity.

It develops products and solutions that help make the world safer, greener and more inclusive.

The Group invests close to €4 billion a year in Research & Development, particularly in key innovation areas such as AI, cybersecurity, quantum technologies, cloud technologies and 6G.

Thales has close to 81,0001 employees in 68 countries. In 2023, the Group generated sales of €18.4 billion.


1 Excluding Transport business, which is being divested


Thales Group

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Fonte: Business Wire

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