Save Your Seat for SailPoint’s IdentityTV 2024: Identity Security Accelerated

SailPoint Technologies, Inc., a leader in unified identity security for enterprises, will host IdentityTV, its global live virtual event for identity leaders, on Thursday, June 13. Save your seat for ...

Autore: Business Wire

Live virtual event features insights on creating resilient enterprise security programs, showcases new SailPoint offerings

AUSTIN, Texas: SailPoint Technologies, Inc., a leader in unified identity security for enterprises, will host IdentityTV, its global live virtual event for identity leaders, on Thursday, June 13. Save your seat for a sneak peek into what’s coming next in SailPoint’s Identity Security Cloud, plus guidance on how to elevate and accelerate your identity security program as the foundation of overall enterprise security efforts.

Key IdentityTV sessions include:

SailPoint also plans to introduce its latest products and capabilities for Identity Security Cloud, addressing time-to-value, risk mitigation, and AI-powered automation. These solutions enable streamlined onboarding, single-pane-of-glass visibility, and expanded data access management for securing sensitive information.

Additionally, a security leader from a prominent enterprise brand will speak live with SailPoint Chief Customer Officer Meredith Blanchar to share firsthand insight into how they shaped their enterprise security efforts with an identity-first approach.

“Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, and nearly all of them tie back to identity in some way,” said Wendy Wu, SailPoint Chief Marketing Officer. “It just takes one breached identity to take down an enterprise. At SailPoint, we believe that, to ensure your business isn’t the next one in the headlines, companies should stay ahead of the threats by using a unified identity-centric approach to enterprise security programs.”

IdentityTV is free to attend, and registrants can replay on-demand. To register and for more information, visit:

About SailPoint

SailPoint equips the modern enterprise to seamlessly manage and secure access to applications and data through the lens of identity – at speed and scale. As a category leader, we continuously reinvent identity security as the foundation of the secure enterprise. SailPoint delivers a unified, intelligent, extensible platform built to defend against today’s dynamic, identity-centric cyber threats while enhancing productivity and efficiency. SailPoint helps many of the world’s most complex, sophisticated enterprises create a secure technology ecosystem that fuels business transformation.

Fonte: Business Wire

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