Ohio Hospital Association Names PointClickCare an Official Corporate Partner

PointClickCare, a leading healthcare technology platform enabling meaningful care collaboration and real-time patient insights, is proud to announce an official partnership with the Ohio Hospital Asso...

Autore: Business Wire

Industry leader expands reach in Ohio to further improve care collaboration across the state

TORONTO: PointClickCare, a leading healthcare technology platform enabling meaningful care collaboration and real-time patient insights, is proud to announce an official partnership with the Ohio Hospital Association (OHA). By joining the OHA’s corporate partnership program, PointClickCare plans to expand the company’s footprint in Ohio to better serve the needs and priorities of the state’s healthcare sector and communities.

"We are proud to be selected by the Ohio Hospital Association as an official corporate partner in addressing critical initiatives like substance use disorder, maternal and infant health, and mortality,” said Hamad Husainy, DO, FACEP, Chief Medical Officer at PointClickCare. “PointClickCare is the leading healthcare technology vendor in Ohio and with our strong network breadth and depth in this market, our partnership with OHA is critical in achieving deeper collaboration between healthcare providers across the Ohio care continuum.”

For years, PointClickCare has been serving the state of Ohio’s senior care population, becoming a trusted technology partner of skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) in the state and supporting the OHA with its mission of serving the 250 hospitals, 15 health systems and 7 OHA professional societies they represent. Through this partnership, Ohio-based SNFs already leveraging PointClickCare’s platform will experience improved data sharing across the care collaboration network.

“Healthcare delivery is constantly changing to meet the needs of patients and communities across Ohio. We are excited to welcome PointClickCare as a new corporate partner to bring new service opportunities to our members,” said James Guliano, Senior Vice President of Operations and Chief Clinical Officer at the Ohio Hospital Association.

From June 10-12, PointClickCare will be participating and exhibiting at the 109th Ohio Hospital Association Annual Meeting and Education Summit. Visit Booth #47 at Hilton Columbus at Easton to learn more or visit the event website here.

Interested in learning more about how PointClickCare collaborates across Ohio to facilitate effective care coordination for Hospitals & Health Systems, ACOs & Risk Bearing Providers, and more? Schedule time to meet with PointClickCare at the event or visit our website here.

About PointClickCare

PointClickCare is a leading healthcare technology platform enabling meaningful care collaboration and real‐time patient insights. More than 27,000 long‐term and post‐acute care providers, 3,600 ambulatory clinics, 2,800 hospitals, 350 risk-bearing providers, 70 state and government agencies, and every major U.S. health plan use PointClickCare for care collaboration and value‐based care delivery for millions across North America.

About OHA

Established in 1915, OHA represents 250 hospitals and 15 health systems throughout Ohio that employ 430,000 Ohioans and contribute $91.7 billion to Ohio’s economy along with $7.8 billion in net community benefit. OHA is the nation’s first state hospital association and is recognized nationally for patient safety and health care quality initiatives and environmental sustainability programs. OHA website: www.ohiohospitals.org.

Fonte: Business Wire

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