G2 Report: AI Fuels Software Spending, But Buyers Expect Fast ROI

G2 today published its 2024 Buyer Behavior Report, based on an annual survey of more than 1,900 B2B software buyers across the globe to understand their plans, behaviors, and attitudes. This year’s ...

Autore: Business Wire

57% of global B2B buyers expect ROI within 3 months of a software purchase – with even higher expectations for AI-powered tools, finds G2’s 2024 Buyer Behavior Report

CHICAGO: G2 today published its 2024 Buyer Behavior Report, based on an annual survey of more than 1,900 B2B software buyers across the globe to understand their plans, behaviors, and attitudes. This year’s report, titled “Proving Value in the Age of AI,” finds that while a majority of buyers believe software budgets are increasing over the upcoming year, the opportunity to win and retain the customers that hold those budgets is harder than ever.

“Today’s software buyer is not willing to wait to see value. These rising ROI expectations are coupled with slowed deal velocity, increased buying cycles, and extra scrutiny on software investments by executive leadership,” said Chris Voce, VP of Market Research at G2. “For software and services vendors, the added pressure and intensity of this landscape means understanding today’s buyer and their context is essential to navigating the turbulence and achieving growth.”

Some of the top trends observed in G2’s 2024 Buyer Behavior Report include:

This year’s research also found that while businesses are fervently seeking how AI can supercharge their strategy, they vary in how they feel it can make an impact — as well as their attitudes based on region, size, and industry. In the report, G2 examines the differing maturity and purchasing behavior across five self-reported software buyer groups: AI Power-Users, AI Learners, AI Laggards, AI Buyers, and AI Non-Buyers.

For additional insights from this year’s survey, download the complete 2024 G2 Buyer Behavior Report and read the blog post on G2’s newsroom highlighting six ways vendors can thrive in the new software economy.

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Fonte: Business Wire

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