HYAS Infosec and CyberRey Join Forces In Global Strategic Partnership to Strengthen Cybersecurity Defenses

#CyberRey--HYAS Infosec, the leader in advanced adversary infrastructure intelligence and detection to preemptively neutralize cyberattacks, and CyberRey, prestigious value-added distributor based in ...

Autore: Business Wire

Protection Against Advanced, Undetected Adversarial Cyber Threats and Attacks

VANCOUVER, British Columbia & PRETORIA, South Africa & ANKARA, Turkey: #CyberRey--HYAS Infosec, the leader in advanced adversary infrastructure intelligence and detection to preemptively neutralize cyberattacks, and CyberRey, prestigious value-added distributor based in London, England, today announced their partnership to proactively protect the CyberRey client ecosystem against both sophisticated malware and malware-less cyber attacks.

The collaboration enhances CyberRey’s comprehensive cybersecurity solutions by integrating the award-winning, best-in-class protective DNS solution HYAS Protect. HYAS Protect combines authoritative knowledge of attacker infrastructure and unrivaled domain-based intelligence to proactively enforce security and block the command and control (C2) communication used by malware, ransomware, phishing, and other forms of cyber attacks. Clients will benefit from a fully integrated solution that proactively identifies and blocks all attempted communication to threat actor infrastructure. Protective DNS is a critical part of a zero-trust implementation, and is rapidly being identified as essential for an organization’s overall resiliency approach.

David Ratner, CEO of HYAS Infosec, said: “This strategic partnership will empower organizations to protect their most valuable assets and stay one step ahead of threat actors. By layering HYAS’ unrivaled protective DNS with CyberRey’s extensive cybersecurity services, even if malware gets into a network, CyberRey’s clients will be able to proactively detect, identify, and block it before damage occurs.”

CyberRey is a globally recognized cybersecurity solutions provider, equipping organizations with the knowledge, tools, and expertise they need to operate securely in today’s interconnected environment. It helps organizations throughout the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Turkey navigate an ever-changing threat landscape, build robust security postures, and protect critical data.

“In today's threat landscape, proactive defense is essential,” said Abdullah Kaymakci, CyberRey Executive. “Partnering with HYAS Infosec aligns perfectly with our commitment to providing holistic cybersecurity solutions. This collaboration empowers us to deliver the most advanced threat intelligence and DNS protection, ensuring our clients stay ahead of cyberattacks.”

CyberRey clients can also utilize the advanced threat intelligence solution HYAS Insight to both answer the key questions surrounding each attack and proactively prepare themselves for future attacks by gaining insight into the criminals’ complete campaign architecture. HYAS Insight empowers security and fraud teams by leveraging exclusive data sources and innovative collection methods to deliver unprecedented visibility into every aspect of an attack, focusing on "VRA" or verdicts, related infrastructure, and actor attribution.

About CyberRey

CyberRey is a leading provider of comprehensive cybersecurity solutions, empowering organizations of all sizes to thrive in the digital age. CyberRey is dedicated to partnering with businesses to navigate the ever-changing threat landscape, build robust security postures, and protect critical data. For more information, please visit www.cyberrey.com and follow CyberRey on LinkedIn.

About HYAS

HYAS is a world-leading authority on cyber adversary infrastructure and communication to that infrastructure. HYAS is dedicated to protecting organizations and solving intelligence problems through detection of adversary infrastructure and anomalous communication patterns. We help businesses see more, do more, and understand more in real time about the nature of the threats they face. HYAS turns meta-data into actionable threat intelligence, actual adversary visibility, and protective DNS that renders malware inoperable. For more information visit HYAS.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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