ACI Worldwide Announces $400 Million Share Repurchase Authorization

ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a global leader in mission-critical, real-time payments software, announced that its Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of $400 million in shares of the com...

Autore: Business Wire

OMAHA, Neb.: ACI Worldwide (NASDAQ: ACIW), a global leader in mission-critical, real-time payments software, announced that its Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of $400 million in shares of the company’s common stock. The new approval includes $65 million remaining under the company’s existing share repurchase authorization. Year to date 2024, ACI has repurchased approximately 3 million shares for $106 million.

Repurchases may be made at management’s discretion in the open market, through privately negotiated transactions and through Rule 10b5-1 plans. This authorization does not expire.

About ACI Worldwide

ACI Worldwide is a global leader in mission-critical, real-time payments software. Our proven, secure and scalable software solutions enable leading corporations, fintechs and financial disruptors to process and manage digital payments, power omni-commerce payments, present and process bill payments, and manage fraud and risk. We combine our global footprint with a local presence to drive the real-time digital transformation of payments and commerce.

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Fonte: Business Wire

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