TrustedSite Releases 2024 Report on the State of Ecommerce Trust

#ConsumerTrust--TrustedSite is excited to unveil its latest research on the state of ecommerce trust, providing valuable insights into consumer concerns and behaviors in the rapidly evolving online sh...

Autore: Business Wire

MIAMI: #ConsumerTrust--TrustedSite is excited to unveil its latest research on the state of ecommerce trust, providing valuable insights into consumer concerns and behaviors in the rapidly evolving online shopping landscape. This comprehensive study, conducted every two years, offers a detailed look at what influences consumer trust in ecommerce sites, drawing on data collected from over 550 consumers via SurveyMonkey Audiences.

As life returns to normal post-pandemic, new concerns are emerging, especially with the rise of AI and the persistent wave of data breaches affecting major brands like AT&T, T-Mobile, and 23andMe. Our 2024 survey reveals the latest trends and shifts in consumer trust.

Key Findings from the 2024 Survey

Impact of TrustedSite Certifications

The survey results highlight the importance of third-party trustmarks. TrustedSite certifications, such as Data Protection, Verified Business, and Certified Secure, significantly increase consumer confidence. In fact, 9 out of 10 consumers said they’d be more likely to purchase from a site that had earned at least one of TrustedSite's certifications.


Trust is crucial in ecommerce, and the 2024 survey underscores the need for site owners to address consumer concerns. From fears about stolen credit cards and identity theft to worries about business legitimacy and AI misuse, shoppers have a lot on their minds. By earning a variety of TrustedSite certifications, ecommerce sites can cater to a broader audience, ensuring each shopper feels confident and secure.

To see more results of the survey, view the blog post here.

About TrustedSite

TrustedSite offers an earned certification program for online businesses to help shoppers identify sites that demonstrate good business practices and maintain a high level of safety standards. By earning and displaying the TrustedSite trustmark, sites can show visitors that a reputable third party has verified their business—leading visitors to complete their purchases with confidence.

Fonte: Business Wire

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