Evolution of the Content Delivery Network (CDN) Industry 2024-2030: Examine Key Differentiators - AI, Price-per-Performance, Managing Edge Serverless Complexity, Developer Toolsets, and Flexibility - ResearchAndMarkets.com

The "Evolution of the CDN Industry" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. This compact yet impactful study considers the evolution of the CDN industry as it comes to encompass a ...

Autore: Business Wire

DUBLIN: The "Evolution of the CDN Industry" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

This compact yet impactful study considers the evolution of the CDN industry as it comes to encompass a wider range of integrated services, leveraging the distributed network as an edge platform. Traditional CDNs are shifting their operating models and meeting the competition from upstarts with different value propositions and business models to simplify deployment.

This study includes an updated revenue forecast of 2024-2030, including segments for delivery, edge compute, and security. The study includes the examination of relevant drivers and restraints, discussion of the expanding universe of providers, and indications of some key competitive differentiators, including artificial intelligence, price-per-performance value, managing edge serverless complexity, developer toolsets, and flexibility. Each competitive differentiator corresponds to a 'Best of' company that is performing well in that respect or delivering exemplary value to the market.

Corresponding growth opportunities in the Growth Opportunity Universe include adding value to media streaming, securing the edge, tighter cloud storage integrations, and green streaming.

Growth Opportunity Universe

Key Topics Covered:

Strategic Imperatives

Growth Opportunity Analysis

A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes, but is not limited to:

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/1pp2oy

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Fonte: Business Wire

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