Sysdig Redefines Cloud Detection and Response by Enabling 5-Minute Investigations

Sysdig, the leader in real-time cloud security, today announced enhanced cloud-native investigations designed to cut incident analysis time to 5 minutes. This acceleration is made possible by automati...

Autore: Business Wire

Attack chain visualization and real-time identity correlation equip security teams to outpace attacks

SAN FRANCISCO: Sysdig, the leader in real-time cloud security, today announced enhanced cloud-native investigations designed to cut incident analysis time to 5 minutes. This acceleration is made possible by automating the collection and correlation of events, posture, and vulnerabilities to identities for even the most complex cloud attacks. When an attack happens in less than 10 minutes in the cloud, investigations must move fast. Sysdig’s real-time cloud investigation gives organizations back precious time, reduces their skill gaps, and grants security and platform teams the ability to make better-informed, faster decisions.

The cloud is different – faster, more complex, and more dynamic than on-premises environments – with an ever-increasing attack surface attributable to AI and rapidly changing cloud supply chains. Organizations have just 5 minutes to investigate cloud incidents. Legacy endpoint detection and response (EDR)/extended detection and response (XDR) solutions and security information and event management (SIEM) platforms lack crucial cloud context, slowing down investigations and limiting their scope. Additionally, SIEM queries may not even yield results before an attacker has the keys to the castle. To effectively detect, investigate, and respond in the cloud, teams must be able to monitor and analyze cloud and log events in real time – capabilities only afforded to them by a truly cloud-native solution. Sysdig simplifies investigations, and therefore limits the blast radius for teams that have historically been tasked with correlating, contextualizing, and evaluating threats across fragmented data feeds from disparate and complex domains.

According to Forrester Research, “Investigations in the cloud must be timely. Attackers can access and kill an instance before an analyst can respond to the attack, losing valuable time and data on the incident ... Cloud response cannot happen effectively without investigators having situational awareness of just-in-time, dynamic permissions.” [1]

What’s New

Why It Matters

“When it comes to outpacing attacks in the cloud, anything less than real-time detection and automated correlation across multiple domains puts organizations at a grave disadvantage,” said Jamie Butler, Head of Runtime Protection and Response Strategy at Sysdig. “Enhanced cloud-native investigation enables enterprises to quickly assess real-time threats, easily explore deep context-driven attack narratives, and precisely respond at cloud speed.”

[1] Forrester – The Comprehensive Guide to Cloud Detection and Response; Allie Mellen, Andras Cser, Jeff Pollard; April 23, 2024.


About Sysdig

In the cloud, every second counts. Attacks move at warp speed, and security teams must protect the business without slowing it down. Sysdig stops cloud attacks in real time, instantly detecting changes in risk with runtime insights and open source Falco. Sysdig, rated No. 1 for cloud security posture management (CSPM) in the Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of a Customer” report, correlates signals across cloud workloads, identities, and services to uncover hidden attack paths and prioritize real risk. From prevention to defense, Sysdig helps enterprises focus on what matters: innovation. Sysdig. Secure Every Second.

Fonte: Business Wire

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