Forrester 2024 Total Economic Impact™ Study Revealed 82% ROI for HTEC Customers

HTEC, a global digital engineering services firm, is pleased to announce the results of its commissioned 2024 Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study conducted by Forrester Consulting. The study outlined...

Autore: Business Wire

SAN MATEO, Calif.: HTEC, a global digital engineering services firm, is pleased to announce the results of its commissioned 2024 Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study conducted by Forrester Consulting. The study outlined a three-year, risk-adjusted present value for a composite organization comprised of interviewees with significant experience working with HTEC.

Forrester’s cost-benefit analysis revealed that HTEC delivered an 82% return on investment (ROI) to customers over a three-year period. The study also showed a significant decrease in time to market (TTM), with new products reaching users 12 months earlier when HTEC was the partner of choice. Additionally, the average net present value (NPV), or the total value of an investment opportunity for HTEC customers over three-year engagements, stood at $3.6 million, underscoring the profitability of long-term collaboration with HTEC.

The study, based on customer interviews and aggregated data, included customer testimonials emphasizing the quality and speed of HTEC’s digital engineering. HTEC leverages cross-functional teams of product and software engineers, researchers, strategists, UX/UI designers, solution architects, and SecOps experts. These teams offer customers increased flexibility and access to expertise unavailable on their internal teams. Also, with carefully defined best practices, thorough testing coverage, and upfront quality and security-focused design, HTEC minimizes potential product defects and security threats, leading to faster releases and savings in product maintenance.

The study also highlighted HTEC’s innovative product design, a key benefit for organizations looking to improve customer acquisition.

“In the ever-expanding world of professional services firms, it’s difficult to distinguish premium quality providers from everyone else. Remove the logos of today’s tech service providers, and most of them will SAY they offer identical capabilities and talent. At HTEC, our reputation goes beyond what we say. The findings of the Forrester TEI study allow us to SHOW the market our service differentiators,” according to Nathan Elsberry, Chief Revenue Officer.

Download HTEC’s SSDLC infographic for development tips and insights into how HTEC impacts the entire development process.

About HTEC:

HTEC is a global premium technology services firm powering the technological evolution of the world’s most impactful organizations – from disruptive startups to the Fortune 500. Uniquely positioned, HTEC combines deep engineering with bursting creativity enabling its customers to innovate, design and develop disruptive technologies and new digital products and platforms across different industries.

Fonte: Business Wire

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