RealVNC Launches Innovative New Partner Program to Accelerate Global Reach

RealVNC is proud to announce the launch of its new Partner Program, designed to enhance and expand its global partner network. Having launched recently, the program introduces three levels of partners...

Autore: Business Wire

CAMBRIDGE, England: RealVNC is proud to announce the launch of its new Partner Program, designed to enhance and expand its global partner network. Having launched recently, the program introduces three levels of partnership status – Platinum, Gold, and Silver – each tailored to foster growth, collaboration, and joint success.

This strategic initiative underscores RealVNC's commitment to revitalizing its partnerships and signifies a step forward in enhancing support for its partners worldwide. Among the early highlights of the program are collaborative marketing activities and the development of case studies showcasing successful implementations, such as the noteworthy deployment by Datavenir to a French Fire and Rescue entity.

Jean-Christophe DEPERRAZ, Commercial Director from Datavenir, said, "With RealVNC, connectivity is no longer a barrier but a bridge to excellence. Their ground-breaking technology transcends boundaries, offering seamless collaboration and unmatched security. Our distribution partnership with RealVNC opens new horizons, providing our clients with a connectivity experience that pushes the boundaries of innovation. An example among others is that VNC (Virtual Network Computing) enables secure and transparent access to devices and data, even through firewalls and complex networks."

Ikramul Khaled, Group Head of Vendor Alliances at QBS, shares the excitement about the collaboration, stating, “At QBS, we're thrilled to be a trusted software distributor of RealVNC. This collaboration ensures that organizations can safely and efficiently connect to their devices and data, overcoming challenges posed by intricate networks and firewalls. By integrating RealVNC's pioneering technology with our leading software delivery platform, we aim to amplify benefits for both our software partners and their end-users, fostering a connectivity experience that leads the way in innovation and security.”

The sentiment is echoed by Nabda, headquartered in Saudi Arabia, a key partner in the initiative, who views the partnership as a vital breakthrough for regional empowerment through technology. "Our partnership with RealVNC represents a significant milestone in our mission to empower organizations in our region with cutting-edge connectivity solutions. With RealVNC's advanced technology, we are not just breaking barriers; we are building bridges towards a future where connectivity knows no limits. Their solution offers secure and transparent access to devices and data, transcending geographical boundaries and navigating seamlessly through complex networks. RealVNC's commitment to innovation and excellence in connectivity sets a new standard, empowering businesses and individuals to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.”

RealVNC sets out to elevate the profitability and operational efficiency of its partners worldwide through enhanced incentives and comprehensive support. With new partnership levels - Platinum, Gold, and Silver - and a detailed incentive structure, RealVNC is committed to fostering beneficial relationships with its partners. These changes reflect RealVNC's dedication to advancing remote access technology and ensuring partners succeed. Through significant discounts, zero entry fees, and substantial sales support, RealVNC empowers businesses to thrive in an increasingly connected world.

For more information on RealVNC's Partner Program and to view a comprehensive list of our esteemed distributors and resellers, please visit our website:

About RealVNC

RealVNC, recognized as the world's safest remote access software, is a leading remote access and management technology provider. Founded in 2002 by the original creators of VNC technology, its flagship products - RealVNC Connect and RPort - are trusted by millions of users worldwide, including leading organizations and IT professionals. These platforms are considered "no regrets" choices by engineers seeking the most reliable and secure solutions in the industry.

Fonte: Business Wire

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