COPE Health Solutions Earns Certified Data Partner Designation in NCQA Data Aggregator Validation Program

#dataanalytics--COPE Health Solutions (CHS) is proud to announce today that it has earned Certified Data Partner designation in the new National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Data Aggregator ...

Autore: Business Wire

LOS ANGELES: #dataanalytics--COPE Health Solutions (CHS) is proud to announce today that it has earned Certified Data Partner designation in the new National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Data Aggregator Validation program. Organizations that earn Certified Data Partner designation undergo a rigorous assessment. Validation activities include a virtual site review with staff interviews and a review of documentation, queries and systems.

Closing key gaps in care related to quality measures is an important aspect of every value-based payment (VBP) agreement and a critical success factor for health plans and providers. This designation validates CHS’ processes for data extraction from clinical and health plan sources, assuring clients of data quality and accuracy to inform prioritized actions.

“Our dedicated team of experts are thrilled to achieve this important designation from NCQA. We look forward to continuing to partnering with health plans and providers to accelerate success with quality and financial performance, improving patient outcomes,” says Allen Miller, Founder & CEO, COPE Health Solutions.

For information about NCQA Validation, click here.

About NCQA

NCQA is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving healthcare quality. NCQA Accredits and Certifies a wide range of healthcare organizations. It also recognizes clinicians and practices in key areas of performance. NCQA’s Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS®) is the most widely used performance measurement tool in health care. NCQA’s website ( contains information to help consumers, employers and others make informed healthcare choices. NCQA can also be found at Twitter @ncqa and on LinkedIn at

About COPE Health Solutions

COPE Health Solutions is a national tech-enabled services firm powering success in risk arrangements and development of the future workforce for payers and providers. Our team brings deep expertise, experience, proven tools, and processes to improve financial performance and quality outcomes for all types of payers and providers, de-risking the roadmap to advanced value-based payment.

Fonte: Business Wire

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