1Kosmos Named an Overall Leader in Passwordless Authentication for Consumers Leadership Compass Report by KuppingerCole

#Blockchain--1Kosmos, the company that unifies identity proofing and passwordless authentication, today announced it was named an overall leader, an innovation leader and product leader by KuppingerCo...

Autore: Business Wire

EAST BRUNSWICK, N.J.: #Blockchain--1Kosmos, the company that unifies identity proofing and passwordless authentication, today announced it was named an overall leader, an innovation leader and product leader by KuppingerCole Analysts AG in their recent Leadership Compass Report on Passwordless Authentication for Consumers. According to KuppingerCole, the market for passwordless authentication products and services has witnessed exponential growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for secure and user-friendly authentication methods.

This report provides an overview of the market for Passwordless Authentication for Consumers products and services, and presents organizations with a compass to select the solution that best meets their customer, partner, or workforce use case needs. A copy of the report is available here with a subscription.

According to the report, it is important to note that passwordless authentication solutions tailored for enterprise use cases and those designed for consumer use cases exhibit distinct differences in response to varied expectations. Consumer-focused solutions must prioritize additional functionalities such as seamless omnichannel experiences, self-service options, robust privacy management, a consistent and user-friendly interface, and the flexibility to operate on any device.

The report also states: 1Kosmos’ unique strengths include identity proofing and onboarding capabilities, a strong and well-documented set of APIs, and innovative features such as the use of a private blockchain to store data, risk-adaptive authentication, flexible account recovery options and its FIDO 2 certification. The company appears in both the product and innovation leadership categories which should be of interest to organizations in North America and the APAC regions.

“Being named an overall leader for passwordless consumer authentication by KuppingerCole this year as well as an overall leader in the passwordless authentication report last year, highlights our ability to seamlessly support both consumer and employee use cases,” said Hemen Vimadalal, CEO of 1Kosmos. “This recognition of the 1Kosmos platform provides objective third party validation of the value we provide customers as both a product and innovation leader.”

About 1Kosmos Platform

The 1Kosmos platform verifies user identity for straight-through onboarding of customers, workers and citizens. It creates a reusable digital wallet for high assurance authentication into digital services and instant validation of end-user qualifications, competencies, authority, and more. A unique privacy-by-design architecture centered around a private and permissioned blockchain eliminates centralized honeypots of end user personal identifiable information (PII), simplifying compliance to privacy mandates such as GDPR and providing organizations tamper evident verification to always know the identity behind devices accessing applications, data and services. 1Kosmos has attained certification to NIST 800-63-3 and UK DIATF via Kantara, FIDO2, and both DEA EPCS and ISO/IEC 30107-3 Presentation Attack Detection via iBeta. It is easily embedded into mobile apps via an SDK, delivered as a cloud service, and also available as a Credential Service Provider managed service.

About 1Kosmos

1Kosmos enables remote identity verification and passwordless multi-factor authentication for workers, customers and residents to securely transact with digital services. By unifying identity proofing, credential verification and strong authentication, the 1Kosmos platform prevents identity impersonation, account takeover and fraud while delivering frictionless user experiences and preserving the privacy of users’ personal information. 1Kosmos performs millions of authentications daily for government agencies and some of the largest banks, telecommunications, higher education and healthcare organizations in the world. The company is funded by Forgepoint Capital and Gula Tech Adventures with headquarters in East Brunswick, New Jersey. For more information, visit www.1kosmos.com and follow us on X and LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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