Smartly Reveals What Consumers Really Want from Ads at Cannes Lions in Inaugural State of Digital Creative Report

Smartly, the AI-powered advertising technology company transforming ad experiences for brands and consumers, today released its inaugural digital creative report, "The State of Digital Creative: What ...

Autore: Business Wire

Study shows distinct consumer creative preferences by generation across marketing funnel

NEW YORK: Smartly, the AI-powered advertising technology company transforming ad experiences for brands and consumers, today released its inaugural digital creative report, "The State of Digital Creative: What Do Consumers Really Want From Ads?” The global research reveals consumers’ creative preferences and ad engagement, offering insights for marketers seeking to optimize their creative strategies across the marketing funnel.

"At Smartly, we understand the critical role creative plays in building brand love and powering business growth,” said Oli Marlow-Thomas, Chief Innovation Officer at Smartly. "This research empowers marketers with a deeper understanding of what truly resonates with consumers, enabling them to craft more engaging and effective campaigns across the entire marketing funnel."

The research uncovered distinct consumer creative preferences at each stage of the customer journey. The findings highlight that younger generations including Millennials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha have higher standards for digital creative. They expect creative to be well-produced, entertaining and informative, and value personalization and captions more than older generations. When it comes to video length, younger generations prefer shorter formats compared to TV's long-form content.

Key findings across the stages of the funnel include:

Upper Funnel: Awareness and Interest

Mid Funnel: Consideration and Evaluation

Lower Funnel: Decision and Purchase

The research also shows significant generational differences in advertising preferences, with Millennials and younger generations showing a 14% higher interest in creative with captions compared to Baby Boomers. For Gen Z, the lines between entertainment and advertising have become blurred, with 81% prioritizing the quality of an ad's presentation, compared to 64% of Gen X and older generations. Furthermore, 91% of Gen Z prefer authentic, on-brand creative when making purchase decisions.

Download the Full Report

To download the complete "The State of Digital Creative: What Do Consumers Really Want From Ads?" report, please visit

About Smartly

Smartly is the AI-powered advertising technology company transforming ad experiences for brands and their consumers. Our comprehensive advertising platform seamlessly integrates the capabilities of media, creative, and intelligence to power more than 800 billion impressions and generate more than 300 billion creatives annually, delivering tangible business outcomes for brands and advertisers. We are the only company managing creative and media for 700+ brands worldwide and $5B in ad spend across the largest media platforms, including Facebook, Google, Instagram, Pinterest, Snap, and TikTok. Our end-to-end technology, unmatched access to media platforms and exceptional customer service help Fortune 500 brands to reach and engage consumers and learn what performs best.

Fonte: Business Wire

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