Savings United Launches First Ever Standalone Coupon Platform Coupons4Real

Savings United, a leading coupon partner of premium media brands, is launching its first standalone site, Coupons4Real, an innovative and trustworthy couponing platform that will donate 50% of its rev...

Autore: Business Wire

Partner of Top Publishers and Advertisers Looks to Transform the Couponing Industry By Building Innovative and Trustworthy E-Commerce Environments Driven By Social Good

NEW YORK: Savings United, a leading coupon partner of premium media brands, is launching its first standalone site, Coupons4Real, an innovative and trustworthy couponing platform that will donate 50% of its revenue to causes that align with the company’s values and ethos. Attempting to clean-up the couponing business, Coupons4Real gives shoppers a safe place to find discount codes and special offers, while simultaneously supporting organizations that make a difference.

Coupons4Real was founded by Savings United to satisfy the growing need among online shoppers for reputable and verified discount codes for well-known brands that are free and easy to access in the United States. The new platform will work with a portfolio of over 2,000 brands like DoorDash, Nike, and Priceline, all while donating half of its revenue to social and environmental causes across income inequality, climate change, and media and democracy.

With over a decade of industry-leading experience and expertise in the couponing business, Savings United has vetted deals for projects around the world and works closely with premium media partners to bring tailored coupons to their readers. Now, the company is on a mission to provide consumers with more informed purchasing decisions with coupons for longer-lasting, and sustainable products through its new platform, Coupons4Real.

“We recognized a critical void in the couponing industry and seized the opportunity to lead with innovation and integrity,” said Panayotis Nikolaidis, CEO and Founder of Savings United. “Coupons4Real is more than just a platform for savings; it encourages social responsibility and sustainability. As industry leaders, we are dedicated to creating a trustworthy e-commerce environment that prioritizes giving back. By committing 50% of our revenue to ethical organizations around the world, we aim to empower consumers to drive meaningful change with every transaction they make. Coupons4Real represents a transformative movement toward a more philanthropic and sustainable future in e-commerce.”

Over the last decade, Savings United has cultivated a holistic and sustainable company culture that extends beyond its products and services. As a fully-remote international organization, the company offers fourteen weeks paid parental leave, six weeks vacation, financial support for childcare, mental and physical health benefits, as well as a four-day work week. Savings United also offers one week of community service days each year, so that employees can give back to their local communities. As global needs evolve, Savings United is committed to do good in the world - for both people and the planet.

With innovation and reliability at the center of Coupons4Real, Savings United will further drive trust, transparency, and savings for consumers with every coupon.

About Savings United:

Savings United is a global team connected by a vision for the future of work, media, and commerce. We build trustworthy marketing solutions that promote a sustainable economic system and partner with premium media publishers to build innovative, authentic e-commerce environments that engage new, conscious audiences and support long-term financial sustainability. Our vision is to shape a world in which commerce and media go hand in hand with the people’s and the planet’s prosperity. We are committed to building innovative and trustworthy e-commerce environments driven by social good.

Fonte: Business Wire

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