Introducing LTK DM: Creator Commerce Platform LTK Unveils New, Free Tool to Maximize Creator Earnings

LTK, the platform that powers Creator Commerce™, is launching LTK DM, a new free feature for LTK Creators to instantly share the shopping details of their Instagram posts directly with their communi...

Autore: Business Wire

DALLAS: LTK, the platform that powers Creator Commerce™, is launching LTK DM, a new free feature for LTK Creators to instantly share the shopping details of their Instagram posts directly with their community. Just by commenting “Shop” on an LTK Creator’s Instagram post, LTK DM will immediately send shoppers an automated direct message with a direct link to that creator’s LTK featuring the product recommendations in the post.

Available this week, LTK DM is the latest addition to an extensive suite of built-in tools that LTK provides to creators for free to maximize their earnings and better engage their community. LTK DM helps creators convert their Instagram comments into earnings and enables shoppers to more effortlessly go from finding inspiration on their favorite creator’s social media content to shopping their LTK, which can help LTK Creators earn up to 60% more.

LTK DM is built directly into the posting flow on the LTK Creator app, making it simple for creators to add to their Instagram posts and eliminating the need for creators to purchase a separate automated DM tool or service. LTK DM saves creators the time of individually sharing links and helping their followers immediately shop the looks and recommendations they love.

LTK’s mission has always been to make creators as economically successful as possible, and as the social media landscape has evolved over the past 13 years, LTK has a history of developing technology to best help creators navigate these changes and effectively reach shoppers. LTK DM is the newest free service LTK is offering to help creators reach and convert their shopping community - including LTK’s sales retargeting tools, integrated product reviews, Shopper Alerts for price drops & back in stock and Shopper favorites lists with notifications of updates.

“LTK has been a pioneer and an innovator in helping creators offer the most convenient shopping experience through social media platforms. And, more importantly, LTK has done it in a way that helps creators build their own community and destination,” said Kit Ulrich, General Manager of LTK's Creator Shopping Platform. “From LTK’s original newsletter emails when shoppers liked a creator’s Instagram post to the pivot to screenshot technology that instantly sent a push notification with all of the shoppable links in the LTK app to now LTK DM, LTK is committed to being the best platform for creators to reliably monetize their entire digital audience.”

LTK DM is available globally and is the latest in a series of updates from LTK to enhance the shopping experience for creators and shoppers. For more information, please visit:

About LTK
As the inventor of Creator Commerce, LTK is the trusted and effective platform for creators and their businesses by powering and monetizing the connection between content and commerce. Founded in 2011 by Amber and Baxter Box, the LTK mission is to empower creators to be as economically successful as possible. Premium lifestyle creators in 150+ countries drive more than $4.1 billion in annual retail sales through the LTK platform. Today, 40 million monthly consumers turn to LTK Creators in the LTK shopping platform each month to find inspiration and instantly shop the styles recommended by their favorite creators. And, more than 8,000 retailers partner with LTK to gain access to its global creator network for content that converts against performance-driven, cross-channel KPIs. LTK is headquartered in Dallas, TX and currently operates on five continents. To download the LTK shopping app, search for LTK in the App Store or Google Play.

For the latest updates from LTK, follow Shop.LTK on TikTok and Instagram, and LTK on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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