Curiosity Stream Announces Content Distribution Partnership with Harbour Rights

Curiosity Stream, the global media company known for its award-winning documentary features, factual entertainment, and specialist factual content, is pleased to announce a new distribution partnershi...

Autore: Business Wire

SILVER SPRING, Md.: Curiosity Stream, the global media company known for its award-winning documentary features, factual entertainment, and specialist factual content, is pleased to announce a new distribution partnership with Harbour Rights, a leading international distribution company based in Hong Kong.

This strategic alliance will bring Curiosity Stream's premium content to a broader audience across various platforms, including TV, VOD, and inflight entertainment, in multiple territories across Asia.

The content, produced by some of the world’s most celebrated production companies (Appian Way Productions, Arrow Media, BIG Media, Bigger Bang, Blink Films, Flight 33 Productions, Impossible Factual, Off the Fence, Ouragan Films, Roller Coaster Road Productions, Stephen David Entertainment, Terra Mater Studios, World Media Rights, and ZED) covers a wide range of genres (science, technology, history, nature, home, food, and culture), enriching Harbour Rights' already diverse and high-quality programming.

Titles include:

Ludo Dufour, Vice President of Licensing at Curiosity, commented, "We are excited to partner with Harbour Rights to broaden the reach of our high-quality factual content across Asia. Our productions perfectly complement the strong offering of the Hong Kong-based distributor, and we believe that leveraging Harbour Rights' deep expertise in the Asian territories coupled with its extensive portfolio of clients across the continent, will help us penetrate new markets. This partnership will allow our evergreen, globally appealing, and high-quality productions to connect with new audiences in Asia, advancing our mission to enlighten, entertain, and inspire viewers worldwide."

Teremoana Seguin, Managing Director at Harbour Rights, added, "This partnership with Curiosity Stream comes at a perfect time when the media landscape in Asia is still changing and the documentary market is showing renewed interest in high quality factual content to differentiate from the overflow of travel, food, and lifestyle programming. It’s an enrichment and diversification of Harbour Rights’ program offering which typically includes European and Asian TV documentaries. As many players in Asia are focusing on local production, the high value productions brought by Curiosity Stream are an easy pick for buyers who wants to keep an edge.”

About Curiosity Inc.

Curiosity Inc. is the entertainment brand for people who want to know more. The global media company is home to award-winning original and curated factual films, shows, and series covering science, nature, history, technology, society, and lifestyle. With millions of subscribers worldwide and thousands of titles, the company operates the flagship Curiosity Stream SVOD service, available in more than 175 countries worldwide; Curiosity Channel, the linear television channel available via global distribution partners; Curiosity University, featuring talks from the best professors at the world's most renowned universities as well as courses, short and long-form videos, and podcasts; Curiosity Now, a free, ad-supported channel; Curiosity Audio Network, with original content and podcasts; and Curiosity Studios, which oversees original programming. Curiosity Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of CuriosityStream Inc. (Nasdaq: CURI). For more information, visit

About Harbour Rights

Part of French media group Ampersand, Harbour Rights is a leading distribution & production company established in Hong Kong in 2010. The company currently distributes catalogs from European and Asian producers with a focus on documentaries and factual content, with over 3,000 hours of programs covering literally all genres. Harbour Rights also serves as a point of access in Asia for broadcasters and media groups which intend to explore the potential of the market through our local and regional connections. For more information, please visit Harbour Rights.

Fonte: Business Wire

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