Wealth.com Launches New Family Office Suite™, Strengthens Legal Team With Addition of David Haughton, JD, CPWA®

#EstatePlanning--Wealth.com, the industry’s leading estate planning platform, today unveils its latest innovation: Family Office Suite™, a cutting-edge collection of estate management technologies...

Autore: Business Wire

New estate planning offering focuses on driving productivity and efficiency for advisors and wealth strategists serving high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients

PHOENIX: #EstatePlanning--Wealth.com, the industry’s leading estate planning platform, today unveils its latest innovation: Family Office Suite™, a cutting-edge collection of estate management technologies designed for highly complex estates. The Family Office Suite is specifically tailored to the needs of firms that service high-net-worth (HNW) and ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals and families, enabling their advisors and in-house wealth strategists to deliver incredible estate planning value to clients, while reducing manual work through automation and processes that are both scalable and repeatable.

With Family Office Suite, advisors gain the ability to:

“As we advance our product roadmap, particularly for advisors serving high-net-worth and ultra-high-net-worth clients, we are committed to transforming all aspects of the estate planning service model to be a more efficient and effective process,” said Danny Lohrfink, chief product officer and co-founder of wealth.com. “The Family Office Suite not only elevates the client experience but also unlocks greater productivity for advisors—what used to take weeks now takes mere minutes. ”

As wealth.com strives to revolutionize the estate planning experience for advisors and their clients, it is continually developing creative solutions that are underpinned by legal excellence and rigor. In support of these efforts, the company has appointed David Haughton, JD, CPWA®, as senior corporate counsel. Drawing from his experience as team lead of Advanced Planning at Commonwealth Financial Network (“Commonwealth”), in addition to his legal acumen, Haughton will aid in developing sophisticated yet intuitive products. Collaborating closely with the broader wealth.com team, he will work to ensure that all offerings are of the quality and caliber that advisors expect.

During Haughton’s tenure at Commonwealth, he was responsible for providing estate, trust, charitable, education, business and social security planning support to the firm's affiliated advisors. Prior to Commonwealth, he was an attorney in private practice. He earned his JD at the Massachusetts School of Law and is admitted to the Massachusetts and New Hampshire bars, as well as the U.S. District Court, District of Massachusetts and the U.S. District Court, District of New Hampshire.

“Over the course of my career, it’s become clear to me that advisors can add significant value for their clients throughout the estate planning process,” said Haughton. “Helping clients establish enduring legacies is a profound responsibility, and wealth.com clearly understands that. I’m thrilled to join a team at the forefront of innovation in estate planning, dedicated to enhancing advisor capabilities and client outcomes via technology.”

Haughton joins a legal team with extensive experience in HNW and UHNW estate planning, led by Chief Legal Officer, Anne Rhodes, who was recently named to WealthManagement.com’s Top Ten to Watch for 2024. The move signals a commitment to developing best-in-class technology that is fortified by best-in-class legal expertise.

About wealth.com

Founded in 2021, wealth.com is the industry’s leading estate planning platform, empowering 400+ wealth management firms, including independent RIAs, aggregators, broker-dealers, custodians and wirehouses to offer modern, comprehensive and sophisticated estate planning solutions to their clients. As the only tech-led, end-to-end estate planning platform built specifically for financial advisors, it facilitates high quality document creation, visualization for complex estates, AI extraction capabilities and elegant reports. Wealth.com was ranked by advisors as the number one estate planning platform in the 2024 T3/Inside Information Advisor Software Survey and was also recognized as the sole digital estate planning platform finalist in the 2023 Wealth Management Industry Awards.

Built and maintained by leading estate attorneys, wealth.com has built a comprehensive ecosystem to elevate the estate planning process across all 51 jurisdictions. It’s on a mission to disrupt, innovate and revolutionize estate planning by offering an intuitive and comprehensive platform for advisors, demystifying an often complex and daunting process.

Fonte: Business Wire

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