Henrique Teixeira, SVP of Strategy at Saviynt, to Share Insights on the Challenges with Non-Human Identities and The Cloud Shared Responsibility Model

Saviynt, a leading provider of cloud-native identity and governance platform solutions, announced today that Henrique Teixeira, SVP of Strategy at Saviynt, will participate in a joint webinar on Wedne...

Autore: Business Wire

Teixeira to discuss identity and the complex nature of today’s cloud environments in joint webinar on June 26 with Elastic, anecdotes, and Token Security

LOS ANGELES: Saviynt, a leading provider of cloud-native identity and governance platform solutions, announced today that Henrique Teixeira, SVP of Strategy at Saviynt, will participate in a joint webinar on Wednesday, June 26 hosted by Token Security to discuss the challenges posed with the cloud shared responsibility model and the impact this is having on machine identities (or non-human identities [NHIs]) in the cloud.

“Machine identities include workload identities like Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) keys, Robotic Process Automation (RPAs or bots), and service accounts for example. They enable machine-to-machine interactions, or app-to-app access that may include permissions to personally identifiable information (PII) just as typical human users do,” said Teixeira. “Organizations leveraging cloud-first or cloud-only strategies today manage many times more machines than human identities. That demands similar types of controls between Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) and Privileged Access Management (PAM) that exist for humans, but these are not sufficient. To manage these identities’ security, organizations need more dynamic, and behavioral and anomaly-based analytics.”

The joint webinar will also cover how the cloud shared responsibility model needs to adapt to these types of identities and a very interesting debate on nomenclature. Should it be called NHI or Machine IDs?


“Challenges with Non-Human Identities and The Cloud Shared Responsibility Model”



1:00 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT on June 26th



Henrique Teixeira, SVP of Strategy at Saviynt

Mandy Andress, CISO at Elastic

Jake Bernardes, CISO at anecdotes

Itamar Apelblat, Co-founder and CEO at Token Security



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The discussion will also highlight:

Saviynt’s solution secures NHIs through its cloud-based IGA platform. The platform is highly scalable and cloud architected which provides rich analytics, peer insights and usage, as well as extensible process and workflow controls, full lifecycle management capabilities, and access review and certifications.

To learn more about how Saviynt handles NHIs and machine identity management, please visit our website.

About Saviynt

Saviynt empowers enterprises to secure their digital transformation, safeguard critical assets, and meet regulatory compliance. With a vision to provide a secure and compliant future for all enterprises, Saviynt’s cutting-edge solutions have been recognized as industry leaders. For more information, please visit www.saviynt.com.

Fonte: Business Wire

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