Autonomize AI Welcomes Laksh Krishnamurthy as New VP of Engineering

#AI--Autonomize AI, a leader in trusted Generative AI for the healthcare industry announced two significant developments: the appointment of Laksh Krishnamurthy as the new Vice President of Engineerin...

Autore: Business Wire

Company also announces SOC2 Type 2 Certification for its Trusted AI platform

AUSTIN, Texas: #AI--Autonomize AI, a leader in trusted Generative AI for the healthcare industry announced two significant developments: the appointment of Laksh Krishnamurthy as the new Vice President of Engineering, and the achievement of SOC2 Type 2 certification.

Laksh Krishnamurthy brings a wealth of experience to Autonomize AI, with a distinguished career spanning over three decades in software engineering and technology leadership. Laksh’s expertise in developing scalable & secure AI solutions aligns perfectly with Autonomize AI’s mission to revolutionize healthcare data management and decision-making processes. His background includes significant tenures at renowned companies like IBM, Deloitte and CognitiveScale, where he has consistently driven engineering excellence and innovation.

"I am thrilled to join Autonomize AI at such a pivotal moment," said Laksh Krishnamurthy. "The company's vision of harnessing AI to improve patient outcomes and streamline healthcare processes resonates deeply with me. I look forward to contributing to the next phase of Autonomize AI's growth and success."

Autonomize AI is already HIPAA and SOC2 Type 1 certified, and achieving SOC2 Type 2 certification extends its commitment to maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance. The company launched Autonomize Trust Center, a dedicated hub for ensuring transparency, security, and compliance of AI platform.

"Achieving SOC2 Type 2 certification demonstrates our unwavering commitment to providing secure and reliable AI solutions for the healthcare industry," said Kris Nair, CTO and cofounder of Autonomize AI. "With Laksh joining our team, we are well-positioned to continue delivering innovative and trusted solutions that empower healthcare knowledge workers and improve patient outcomes."

Autonomize AI continues to lead the way in developing AI products that organize, contextualize, and summarize unstructured data, enabling healthcare professionals to make data-driven decisions with confidence. With the addition of Laksh Krishnamurthy and the SOC2 Type 2 certification, the company is poised for further advancements in delivering secure, efficient, and impactful AI solutions.

About Autonomize AI

Autonomize’s AI copilots organize, contextualize and summarize unstructured data to reduce the administrative burden for healthcare knowledge workers to make data-driven decisions and improve patient outcomes. Autonomize AI is a founding member of CancerX, the US President Biden’s Cancer Moonshot initiative. Their customers include Top 20 pharma, F100 Payors and life sciences companies.

Fonte: Business Wire

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