Federman & Sherwood Investigates Altoona Logan Township Mobile Medical Emergency Department Authority (AMED)for Data Breach

#AMED--The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Altoona Logan Township Mobile Medical Emergency Department Authority (AMED) with respect to their recent data breach....

Autore: Business Wire

OKLAHOMA CITY: #AMED--The law firm of Federman & Sherwood has initiated an investigation into Altoona Logan Township Mobile Medical Emergency Department Authority (AMED) with respect to their recent data breach. On or about March 11, 2024, AMED detected unauthorized access to their network. After an extensive forensic investigation and manual document review, on April 23, 2024, AMED discovered that between March 8, 2024, and March 12, 2024, certain impacted files containing personal information may have been accessed and/or acquired by an unauthorized individual. The following personal information may have been accessed: individuals name, Social Security number, address, driver’s license number, financial information, and medical information.

If you wish to discuss this action, obtain further information, and/or participate in this litigation, please contact Tiffany Peintner either by email at trp@federmanlaw.com or visit our firm’s website www.federmanlaw.com

Fonte: Business Wire

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