Surescripts’ Tara Dragert Appointed to NCPDP Foundation Board to Collaborate and Support Research That Improves Data Sharing

#HealthIT--Tara Dragert, Chief Product Officer of Surescripts®, the nation’s leading health information network, was recently appointed to serve on the board of trustees for the NCPDP Foundation du...

Autore: Business Wire

ARLINGTON, Va.: #HealthIT--Tara Dragert, Chief Product Officer of Surescripts®, the nation’s leading health information network, was recently appointed to serve on the board of trustees for the NCPDP Foundation during NCPDP's Annual Technology & Business Conference in Scottsdale, AZ.

“It is an honor to join the NCPDP Foundation’s board of trustees. With challenges facing nearly every part of healthcare, we are at a truly pivotal moment where collaboration and innovation can meaningfully improve the healthcare journey for patients and clinicians across the country,” said Dragert.

As a 2023‒2024 Designated Subcommittee Member, Dragert will support the NCPDP Foundation mission with a focus on approving grants that support the use of standards to make the electronic exchange of healthcare information more accurate, complete and timely. The NCPDP Foundation collaborates with organizations and individuals to support research initiatives that improve data sharing throughout the healthcare ecosystem, removing obstacles to quality care for patients.

"I’m especially excited to see NCPDP continue supporting and enabling greater care team collaboration, in particular, ensuring pharmacists can practice at the top of their training and education to maintain access to care for patients, no matter where they live,” added Dragert. “It’s also an opportunity to continue advancing health intelligence sharing at scale, creating efficiencies across healthcare while also supporting better informed, safer and less costly care for patients.”

As their essential role in the COVID-19 response made clear, pharmacists are well positioned to fill some gaps in care—if they can get the tools, information and support they need. In fact, nine in 10 prescribers and virtually all pharmacists surveyed in 2023 supported a shift toward team-based care. Both groups ranked better patient outcomes as the top benefit of pharmacists taking on more patient care responsibilities.

Dragert joined Surescripts in 2010 and today serves as Chief Product Officer. In this role, she leads teams who are developing innovative technologies to better serve patients and the clinicians who are entrusted with their care. Dragert has spent her career in healthcare technology serving the payer, provider and network industries. She has a reputation for peeling apart the layers of problems and opportunities in healthcare, identifying technology solutions, and continuously driving improvement and change.

About Surescripts Our purpose is to serve the nation through simpler, trusted health intelligence sharing, in order to increase patient safety, lower costs and ensure quality care. At Surescripts, we align healthcare organizations across the nation and convene the Surescripts Network Alliance® to give healthcare professionals the trusted insights they need to serve patients. Together, we’re making interoperability an everyday reality, making it simpler to choose medications patients can afford and adhere to, and getting specialty medications to patients more efficiently. Visit us at and follow us on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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