Ketch Releases Privacy Experiences

Ketch, a Data Permissioning Platform for privacy operations and data mobilization, today announced the launch of its next-generation Privacy Experiences. Ketch Privacy Experiences makes it easy for no...

Autore: Business Wire

- With Next Generation Privacy Management and Customization Options -

SAN FRANCISCO: Ketch, a Data Permissioning Platform for privacy operations and data mobilization, today announced the launch of its next-generation Privacy Experiences.

Ketch Privacy Experiences makes it easy for non-technical teams to build, design, and deploy customized, responsive consumer experiences for privacy and consent requirements, all without any technical skills.

This update introduces over 400 no-code configuration options for the customization of frontend cookie banners, consent modals, and privacy preference centers. It sets a new industry standard for expectations of brand integration, flexibility, and performance.

"Ketch is reshaping the future of permissioning, privacy, and consent," said Tom Chavez, Ketch Co-founder and CEO. "Our platform's unprecedented, no-code configuration will enable companies to design consumer-centric consent experiences while maintaining compliance with global data laws.”

With Ketch Privacy Experiences (part of the Ketch Consent Management Platform), brands are empowered to personalize their visitor-facing consent journeys, ensuring that privacy compliance does not come at the expense of user experience or brand integrity. The customization options are unparalleled in the privacy management software segment.

Key innovations include:

Ketch Privacy Experiences stands alone in its “clicks, not code” approach. Non-technical privacy program stakeholders, such as lawyers and marketers, can easily configure any consumer-facing privacy experience without developer or engineering support.

All experiences can be deployed automatically across multiple devices, channels, and jurisdictions, ensuring the right experience is served to the right visitor every time.

Privacy Experiences is available to all Ketch Consent Management Platform (CMP) customers and Ketch Free users. For more information about Ketch and its innovative privacy solutions, visit

About Ketch

Ketch is a data permissioning platform for privacy operations and data mobilization. Ketch helps brands collect and mobilize permissioned data for use in advertising and AI initiatives. Brands use Ketch to capture consent from consumers, enforce choices across the business ecosystem for data in rest, in transit, and in use, and leverage responsibly-gathered data for growth. Learn more at

Fonte: Business Wire

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