New Mark43 research shows UK residents support technology to help local police forces keep communities safe

#UK--Mark43, the leading cloud-native community safety software provider, today announced new research that reveals a strong desire by UK residents for their police forces to embrace modern, secure, r...

Autore: Business Wire

Britons encourage modern tech investments to help keep more police on the streets and connected to the citizens they serve

NEW YORK: #UK--Mark43, the leading cloud-native community safety software provider, today announced new research that reveals a strong desire by UK residents for their police forces to embrace modern, secure, resilient technology to keep them and their data safer.

This new research – which is based on an online survey of 1,062 UK residents conducted by Propeller Insights on behalf of Mark43 between May 1 and May 13, 2024 – indicates that the vast majority (89%) said that they support investments in technology to free police to engage with their communities, with emergency backup call handling systems, software to pinpoint locations and modern report writing systems. Nearly as many (85%) said that sharing data and information in real time with neighbouring police forces and partner agencies would enable even more crime prevention and resolution.

“Our new research indicates significant excitement to modernize the technology used by police to free them to spend more time on essential operational priorities and create safer communities,” said Mark43 Co-Founder and President Matthew Polega.

Residents support police systems that are resilient and secure

Modern technology can help stretched police forces increase visibility, attract talent

Freeing police to spend more time in communities can protect even the most vulnerable

Polega said: “By empowering police with modern reporting and call handling systems, forces can free police from mundane tasks, and more police officers can go back into their communities to do what they do best: keeping citizens safe.”

Older people are keen on modern technology for police

“When local police forces have access to the best technology, everybody benefits,” said Polega. “Enhanced reporting systems like Mark43’s cloud-native records system empower local police to share data in real time so that they can better serve and keep their communities safer. Mark43 is committed to bringing the best community safety technology to police forces across the UK.”

Mark43 hosted a UK Supplier Day on 24 June 2024 in London. At this event, attendees heard from Mark43 and Amazon Web Services about the current landscape of policing and community safety technology in the UK.

Survey methodology

For the online survey, UK residents opted in to an online database and were targeted based on demographics. To further confirm qualifications, survey respondents were asked to verify their information in the survey itself by self-identifying their qualifications. The maximum margin of sampling error for the survey was +/-3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

About Mark43

Mark43 is the leading cloud-native police technology company. By delivering a modern, intuitive and mobile-first records management system, computer-aided dispatch and analytics platform, Mark43 empowers governments and their communities to improve the safety and quality of life for all. Working with more than 290 local, state and federal public safety agencies across the United States and United Kingdom, Mark43 is transforming how first responders use technology to respond, engage and serve the community. Mark43 provides the tools, resources, expertise and security foundation that public safety needs today, tomorrow and beyond. For more information or to request a demo, visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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