C3 AI Delivers Production Increases, Predictive Maintenance Across Holcim's Global Network for a Net-Zero Future

C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, and Holcim, a global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions, are deploying C3 AI Reliability, a state-of-the-art pred...

Autore: Business Wire

Holcim drives efficiency and sustainability with AI-powered, Industry 4.0 technologies for urban building operations

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.: C3 AI (NYSE: AI), the Enterprise AI application software company, and Holcim, a global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions, are deploying C3 AI Reliability, a state-of-the-art predictive maintenance solution, across Holcim’s plants globally. Holcim is also piloting C3 Generative AI across its plants to assist with complex equipment troubleshooting. These deployments are part of Holcim’s Plants of Tomorrow initiative for digital transformation.

Since piloting C3 AI Reliability in May 2023, Holcim has scaled the application to 45 plants, monitoring 3,000 sensors from critical equipment including vertical roller mills which are vital to cement manufacturing. Work to date has resulted in advancements in predictive maintenance and operational efficiency at scale, while enabling Holcim to achieve a step-change in asset lifecycle management, and improved reliability and capacity for its customers.

“The collaboration between C3 AI and Holcim underscores how critical AI is to any innovative solution when addressing global challenges, exemplified by this work that turbocharges industrial efficiency,” said Thomas M. Siebel, Chairman and CEO, C3 AI. “Together, we are creating AI-powered and reliable manufacturing operations for innovative and sustainable building that will set the standard across the industry.”

Plants of Tomorrow is an initiative at Holcim to roll out cutting-edge digital technologies. The program targets a global network of over 130 integrated cement plants and grinding stations across more than 50 countries. As part of a four-year agreement to scale C3 AI Reliability, Holcim will onboard 1,200 critical assets for operation and maintenance across more than 100 cement plants.

C3 AI Reliability is an AI-powered predictive maintenance application that enables enterprises to improve asset uptime and operational productivity by unifying operational data from multiple sources and applies advanced machine learning, natural language processing, and generative AI techniques to identify equipment risks and generate actions to reduce downtime and maintenance costs.

About C3.ai, Inc.

C3 AI is the Enterprise AI application software company. C3 AI delivers a family of fully integrated products including the C3 AI Platform, an end-to-end platform for developing, deploying, and operating enterprise AI applications, C3 AI applications, a portfolio of industry-specific SaaS enterprise AI applications that enable the digital transformation of organizations globally, and C3 Generative AI, a suite of large AI transformer models for the enterprise.

Fonte: Business Wire

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