Circus Group Signs Preliminary Agreement to Deploy Its Food Production Robot CA-1 at Berlin Brandenburg Airport

Circus SE (Xetra: CA1), a leading AI robotics company specializing in autonomous kitchen systems, and Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) have signed a preliminary agreement to launch the group’...

Autore: Business Wire

HAMBURG, Germany: Circus SE (Xetra: CA1), a leading AI robotics company specializing in autonomous kitchen systems, and Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH (FBB) have signed a preliminary agreement to launch the group’s autonomous food supply system for employees at the Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER).

Circus is a pioneer in AI-powered robotics that is building a global infrastructure of autonomous kitchens aiming to disrupt the global foodservice market through advanced AI, robotics, and proprietary software solutions. The proprietary developed autonomous food production robot CA-1 can deliver up to 2,000 freshly prepared meals per day without any humans involved while occupying only 20 square meters of space. With its technology stack, Circus develops solutions to ensure seamless and hygienic catering for everyone.

Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH operates the BER Airport, the third largest airport location in Germany. The initial agreement includes the deployment of the CA-1 Robot by Circus to cover a share of the daily employee catering at the BER Airport in parallel with regular operations.

“Our ‘Circus Autonomy One' robot exemplifies our vision of the future of food service in high-traffic environments. Therefore, partnering with Berlin Brandenburg Airport is a significant step for us. By integrating our advanced AI and robotics technology, we aim to enhance operational efficiency and deliver high-quality, hygienic meals at scale. This initial customer-beta-phase doesn't only showcase our innovative capabilities but also sets the stage for transforming food service in airports worldwide,” said Circus Group CEO Nikolas Bullwinkel.

About Circus Group:

The Circus Group (XETRA: CA1) is the leading AI robotics company, specializing in the translation of the fine art of cooking into full autonomy. On its mission to fuel humanity, Circus provides global access to balanced nutrition, for everyone, anytime. The company developed the world’s first commercially viable food production robot, Circus Autonomy One. Circus employs talents in AI, robotics engineering, and food service across four locations and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany.




Circus SE

Hongkongstrasse 6

20457 Hamburg









Regulated Unofficial Market in Frankfurt, Munich (m:access)


Fonte: Business Wire

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