Independent Study Finds Sprinklr Social Delivered 327% ROI

$CXM #AI--Sprinklr (NYSE: CXM), the unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform for modern enterprises, today released the results of a 2024 commissioned Forrester Consulting Total E...

Autore: Business Wire

NEW YORK: $CXM #AI--Sprinklr (NYSE: CXM), the unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform for modern enterprises, today released the results of a 2024 commissioned Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact (TEI) Study, examining the potential return on investment (ROI) for customers using Sprinklr Social.

The independent analysis from Forrester found that Sprinklr Social delivered a three-year, risk-adjusted ROI of 327% for a composite organization representative of interviewed customers.

“We created the category for enterprise social media management and have been the leader for more than a decade,” said Sprinklr Founder and Co-CEO, Ragy Thomas. “Many of the world’s largest enterprises trust Sprinklr Social for its in-depth listening, extensive channel coverage, and enterprise-grade configurability. With industry-defining AI, Sprinklr Social is a truly all-in-one social media solution helping our customers create great customer experiences on social, no matter the scale.”

Key findings of the study include:

Customers interviewed for the study cited benefits including time savings, improved collaboration, AI-assisted conversation monitoring and engagement, and improved social selling and e-commerce. Excerpts include:

To read the full study or request a demo visit

About Sprinklr

Sprinklr is a leading enterprise software company for all customer-facing functions. With advanced AI, Sprinklr's unified customer experience management (Unified-CXM) platform helps companies deliver human experiences to every customer, every time, across any modern channel. Headquartered in New York City with employees around the world, Sprinklr works with more than 1,700 valuable enterprises — global brands like Microsoft, P&G, Samsung, and more than 60% of the Fortune 100. Sprinklr’s value to the enterprise is simple: We un-silo teams to make customers happier.

Fonte: Business Wire

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