Banner Bank Releases 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Today, Banner Bank released its 2023 ESG Report. The report identifies ongoing practices and recent accomplishments in the areas of environmental risk and impact management, social responsibility (inc...

Autore: Business Wire

WALLA WALLA, Wash.: Today, Banner Bank released its 2023 ESG Report. The report identifies ongoing practices and recent accomplishments in the areas of environmental risk and impact management, social responsibility (including diversity, equity and inclusion), and governance. Report highlights include:

Additionally, the 2023 ESG report includes disclosures prepared using the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards for the financial sector that we determined to be most relevant to our business, as well as a link to our full SASB report.

“Our environmental, social and governance actions are helping us stay deeply connected and responsive to the needs of all our stakeholders,” said Mark Grescovich, President and CEO of Banner Corporation and Banner Bank. “In 2023, we continued to evolve our approach to ESG. Although going above and beyond to support our communities has always been part of what we do at Banner, in the last few years we’ve made significant strides in formalizing how we communicate our impact. With this year’s report, we continue that momentum, share our progress and recognize accomplishments.”

To learn more about the Bank’s ESG efforts and view the report, please visit

About the Company

Banner Corporation is a $15.5 billion bank holding company operating one commercial bank—Banner Bank—in four Western states through a network of branches offering a full range of deposit services and business, commercial real estate, construction, residential, agricultural and consumer loans. Visit Banner Bank at

Fonte: Business Wire

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