Sectigo Delivers 23-24 WebTrust Audit, Confirms Compliance with CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements

#certificatemanagement--Sectigo®, the industry’s most innovative provider of comprehensive certificate lifecycle management (CLM), announced today that it has once again passed its annual WebTrust ...

Autore: Business Wire

Sectigo continues 20+ year tradition of leadership in public CA and Certificate Lifecycle Management industry

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.: #certificatemanagement--Sectigo®, the industry’s most innovative provider of comprehensive certificate lifecycle management (CLM), announced today that it has once again passed its annual WebTrust audit.

“Every year, we undergo a series of audits to uphold our commitment as custodians of digital trust," stated Sectigo CEO Kevin Weiss. "Hundreds of thousands of customers, including the world's leading organizations, depend on Sectigo to secure their networks and to guarantee their websites' security and credibility with the most widely used internet browsers. We are immensely proud to be one of the CAs preserving public trust in the internet. Our unwavering dedication to this responsibility drives our efforts to maintain the health and security of WebPKI.”

As stewards of digital identity in public ecosystems, certificate authorities serve a privileged role as the underpinning of encrypted connections between browsers and websites. Because of this responsibility, they are held to the highest of standards as judged by a range of state and private entities. In addition to the CA/Browser Forum rules, Sectigo also follows guidelines from ETSI and all major root programs.

To learn more about what Sectigo does to maintain public trust for its customers, please visit:

About Sectigo

Sectigo is the industry’s most innovative provider of comprehensive certificate lifecycle management (CLM), with automated solutions and digital certificates that secure every human and machine identity for the world’s largest brands. Its automated, cloud-native, universal CLM platform issues and manages digital certificates provided by all trusted certificate authorities (CAs) to simplify and improve security protocols across the enterprise. Sectigo is one of the longest-standing and largest CAs with more than 700,000 customers and two decades of delivering unparalleled digital trust. For more information, visit, follow us on LinkedIn, and subscribe to our Webby award-winning podcast, Root Causes.

Fonte: Business Wire

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