Regula Responds to Forensic Experts' Needs with Fast and Intuitive Operating Software

#forensic--Regula, a global developer of forensic devices and identity verification solutions, has released a significant update to its operating software, Regula Forensic Studio. This major revamp en...

Autore: Business Wire

RESTON, Va.: #forensic--Regula, a global developer of forensic devices and identity verification solutions, has released a significant update to its operating software, Regula Forensic Studio. This major revamp enhances the functionality of forensic devices, improves usability, streamlines operations, and allows for more precise document examination.

Compatible with Regula’s most recent advanced forensic devices, including the company’s flagship dual-video spectral comparator, Regula 4308, Regula Forensic Studio software facilitates manual examination of handwritten texts, banknotes, travel and identity documents, collectibles, and more. Supplied in a bundle with forensic devices and available out-of-the-box, Regula Forensic Studio can operate all Regula devices in a forensic laboratory, creating a smooth user experience and allowing for a wide range of examinations.

The new features and improvements in Regula Forensic Studio significantly elevate the user experience, as well as the convenience, speed, and accuracy of forensic examination.

Crucial examination speed and precision enhancements include:

Key usability enhancements include:

“In the crowded field of ID verification, Regula has distinguished itself by constantly improving, as well as adopting a customer-centric approach at the core of our research and development. The updated Regula Forensic Studio software has become notably faster and more efficient. It reflects feedback from external forensic experts and our customers, and incorporates features designed to address specific use cases and improve operations. This user-centric approach helps us boost the functionality of our solutions and meet the evolving needs of our customers in the most efficient way,” says Ihar Kliashchou, Chief Technology Officer at Regula.

To see the full list of new features and capabilities and learn more about the recent update of Regula Forensic Studio, please visit Regula’s website.

About Regula

Regula is a global developer of forensic devices and identity verification solutions. With our 30+ years of experience in forensic research and the largest library of document templates in the world, we create breakthrough technologies in document and biometric verification. Our hardware and software solutions allow over 1,000 organizations and 80 border control authorities globally to provide top-notch client service without compromising safety, security, or speed. Regula has been repeatedly named a Representative Vendor in the Gartner® Market Guide for Identity Verification.

Learn more at

Fonte: Business Wire

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