Becrypt Appoints Gavin Newport as Managing Director

#Becrypt--Becrypt, a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions, is delighted to announce the appointment of Gavin Newport as the company’s new Managing Director. This appointment comes during an e...

Autore: Business Wire

LONDON: #Becrypt--Becrypt, a leading provider of cybersecurity solutions, is delighted to announce the appointment of Gavin Newport as the company’s new Managing Director. This appointment comes during an exciting period of growth and innovation for Becrypt, as it expands its product portfolio and strengthens its commitment to protecting critical national infrastructure organisations against elevated cyber threats.

Gavin Newport brings extensive experience and a proven track record in the cybersecurity industry, making him the ideal candidate to lead during this exciting phase of development.

“I am thrilled to join Becrypt as the Managing Director and lead the next phase of the company’s growth,” said Gavin Newport. “As a trusted partner for government, Becrypt has a well-deserved reputation for delivering high-quality cybersecurity solutions, and I look forward to working with the talented team to continue to drive innovation and meet the evolving needs of our clients.”

As Managing Director, Gavin Newport will help lead Becrypt’s strategic direction with a focus on sales, marketing and enhancing customer experience and forging strategic partnerships.

“We are delighted to welcome Gavin Newport as our new Managing Director,” said Dr Bernard Parsons MBE, CEO at Becrypt. “His extensive expertise and leadership experience in our industry will play a critical role in driving Becrypt’s continued growth. Becrypt has worked closely with UK Government over the last few years, building out a number of new cross domain and secure endpoint products that are now deployed and proven. Gavin will be central to our current focus on accelerating our sales and marketing capacity, as we continue to scale across critical national infrastructure organisations.”

About Becrypt

Becrypt is a leading provider of high assurance cybersecurity products and services, specialising in protecting critical national infrastructure organisations against advanced cyber threats. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Becrypt delivers trusted solutions that safeguard critical data systems. For more information on how Becrypt revolutionises working in high threat environments please visit

For more information, images or interviews etc please contact Siobhan Gadiot on 0845 838 2050 or email or visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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