Turkcell Invests $27 Billion Over 30 years, Building Türkiye Into a Global Data Hub

Turkcell (NYSE: TKC, BIST: TCELL) celebrated its 30th anniversary at the closing bell ceremony on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), where the company has been listed for 24 years. On Monday, July 8,...

Autore: Business Wire


NEW YORK: Turkcell (NYSE: TKC, BIST: TCELL) celebrated its 30th anniversary at the closing bell ceremony on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), where the company has been listed for 24 years. On Monday, July 8, after the bell rang the market close, the company shared the milestones since its founding in 1994. Turkcell operates across a wide range of businesses, ranging from mobile and broadband services to digital payment systems, mobile messaging applications, digital music platforms, data centers, and cloud technologies.

Turkcell CEO Dr. Ali Taha Koç said, "We offer innovative solutions with our different companies operating in e-commerce, the gaming industry, call center management, energy production, and many other fields. We meet all the digital transformation needs of individuals and organizations. That is why we define ourselves as an end-to-end technology provider. We are proud to say that we are the leader across multiple sectors buoyed by our rich technology and competencies."

Speaking at the closing bell, Koç stated, "Turkcell shares have been traded on the NYSE for nearly a quarter century. A telecommunications operator, we have evolved into the industry's leading company as an 'end-to-end technology provider."

Reflecting on Turkcell's transformation and future vision, Koç added, "Over 30 years, our investments in our industry, country, and people from all walks of life have reached $27 billion. We will continue these investments to position our country as a global data hub."

Stating that Turkcell has strategic importance for Türkiye for its economic and social contributions as well as in terms of national interests, Koç said, "As Türkiye's Turkcell, our goal is to make our country a 'global data hub.' In other words, we will be the 'playmaker' of the region." Stating that steps had been taken to establish a new company in January with this vision, Turkcell’s CEO added that the company, which is in the establishment phase under the name of TDC, has started to work toward carrying Türkiye to the global arena in the field of 'global data ownership.'

Data center investments exceeded $350 million

Turkcell provides cloud and data hosting services to over 4 thousand local and foreign companies through its new generation data center. Ali Taha Koç underlined that Turkcell has 33 data centers, 4 of which are new generation, with an active white space of approximately 32 thousand square meters., "In this new world where technology and data hold the power, we are strengthening our position as Turkcell, and working hard to make Türkiye the data hub of the region," he added while sharing details of the latest investments:

"The business objective of our new company, TDC is to make Türkiye one of the world's leading data and cloud technology hubs. Our related investments have exceeded $350 million to date. We have taken these steps to transform Türkiye into the data hub of its local geography."

Fonte: Business Wire

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