I-care Group Acquires Predictive Maintenance Assets and Licenses from Sensirion Connected Solutions to Strengthen Its Strategic Position in Germany and Overseas

I-care Group, the world leader in machine health, has announced an agreement with Sensirion Connected Solutions GmbH to acquire assets and licenses of its predictive maintenance product line. The deal...

Autore: Business Wire

MONS, Belgium: I-care Group, the world leader in machine health, has announced an agreement with Sensirion Connected Solutions GmbH to acquire assets and licenses of its predictive maintenance product line. The deal strengthens I-care's presence in Germany and its position as a world leader in industrial predictive maintenance. At the same time, this agreement offers former customers of Sensirion Connected Solutions the opportunity to continue following their predictive maintenance strategy.

Sensirion Connected Solutions, a leading provider of sensor-as-a-service solutions, developed and commercialized an end-to-end predictive maintenance solution under its AiSight brand. Earlier this year, the company announced that it would discontinue its condition monitoring activities and to fully focus on methane emission monitoring as a data-based service business.

Sensirion took this decision because the predictive maintenance market structure does not strategically fit Sensirion’s goal of becoming the leading provider in its respective area through innovations.

After analyzing the market, Sensirion Connected Solutions chose I-care for the sale of AiSight assets and agreed on a licensing deal of its technology. I-care was a safe choice for Sensirion to offer its former customers a continuity on their path toward predictive maintenance.

Fabrice Brion, founder and CEO of I-care is fully aligned with Sensirion’s assessment of the predictive maintenance market: "20 or 10 years ago, it was still possible to start up a predictive maintenance company from 0. Today, the market structure and size demand dedicated players. That’s the reason why the consolidation of the market is on its way”

“We are pleased to have found an opportunity with I-care that allows our existing customers to continue their predictive maintenance strategies. This agreement ensures seamless maintenance programs for our customers while we focus on our core strategy in the emissions monitoring market”, said Felix Hoehne, General Manager, Sensirion Connected Solutions.

I-care, which already has 4 offices in Germany, is strengthening its presence in the country and can expand its customer base : former customers of Aisight are active in Industrial segments totally complementary to those in which I-care is present.

Fonte: Business Wire

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