GIGGO.AI Unveils Digital Vehicle Catalog, VIN/HIN Decoder, and Build Data

Giggo Incorporated today unveiled its digital vehicle catalog for boats, motorcycles, powersports, and recreational vehicles. The API-based products – branded – enable commerce solutions ...

Autore: Business Wire

APIs provide comprehensive data and rich media for motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, RVs, and boats

IRVINE, Calif.: Giggo Incorporated today unveiled its digital vehicle catalog for boats, motorcycles, powersports, and recreational vehicles. The API-based products – branded – enable commerce solutions for lenders, insurance companies, marketplaces, website providers, and technology companies serving manufacturers and dealerships.

The APIs powered by include specifications and technical data on thousands of vehicles and vessels combined with color-matched media, VIN and HIN decoders, and build data. This allows lenders and insurers, for instance, to understand and verify each underlying vehicle and to establish a valuation basis for their collateral.

As an increasing share of vehicle transactions move online, will serve a growing ecosystem of commerce solutions and providers. The company’s data can also be used for merchandising vehicles more effectively in virtual dealership showrooms and online marketplaces by portraying them in their best possible light. Eliminating the need for manual data entry, can provide full vehicle descriptions with color-matched stock images and videos across leading vehicle and marine brands. provides the data backbone for cutting-edge digital commerce.

About Giggo

Giggo Incorporated is a technology company focused on commerce enablement for the powersports, motorcycle, RV, marine, and other industries. The company offers a wide range of API-based solutions for vehicle catalog data, media libraries, VIN/HIN decoders, and build data. Based in Irvine, Calif., Giggo Incorporated serves clients in the financial services, insurance, and e‑commerce sectors.

Fonte: Business Wire

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