Perfect Corp. Announces New Upgraded HD AI Skin Analysis Solution, Empowering Hyper-Personalized Skincare Recommendations

Perfect Corp., the leading AI and AR beauty and fashion technology provider and developer of ‘Beautiful AI’ solutions, today announces the revolutionary launch of its HD Skin Analysis solution. Th...

Autore: Business Wire

The new HD Skin Analysis solution offers skin scans with 2x higher resolution, delivering higher accuracy, analyzing more details, and empowering skincare brands to offer the best products to each customer

NEW YORK: Perfect Corp., the leading AI and AR beauty and fashion technology provider and developer of ‘Beautiful AI’ solutions, today announces the revolutionary launch of its HD Skin Analysis solution. This advanced technology ushers in a new era of personalized skincare by leveraging the power of advanced AI models to bring higher definition skin scans to the award-winning skincare analysis solution.

The HD solution brings unprecedented accuracy by leveraging a groundbreaking AI algorithm that delivers incredible precision. The newly-improved AI model is trained on a dataset of images with 2x higher definition compared to its standard definition counterpart. Thanks to this, the HD Skin Analysis solution can now identify and analyze skin concerns with even greater accuracy than before, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of each user’s unique skincare needs.

The new HD tool also now offers detection by region. By analyzing the user’s skin in specific areas of the face, the AI provides a more nuanced picture of a person’s complexion, allowing for targeted skincare solutions.

Enhanced HD Skin Analysis: 2X Higher Resolution for Improved Visualization and AR Skin Mark Display

The powerful 2x higher resolution HD Skin Analysis, is complemented by the AR skin mark display tool offering a meticulously detailed visualization of the user’s skin concerns. This includes:

These features of the HD Skin Analysis allow users to visualize the issues in their skin even more clearly, and empowers skincare brands, estheticians and dermatologists to offer the best treatment options, tailored to the unique concerns identified.

Personalized Skincare at Your Fingertips with HD Skin Analysis

The HD Skin Analysis solution empowers users to take charge of their skincare journeys by providing:

Unprecedented Accuracy through HD AI Skin Analysis

Perfect Corp. is committed to developing cutting-edge technology that empowers individuals to achieve their personal skincare goals. The HD Skin Analysis Solution is a testament to this commitment, offering a powerful and personalized approach to skincare.

“At Perfect Corp., we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in Skin AI,” says Alice Chang, Perfect Corp. Founder and CEO, “Our new HD Skin Analysis solution represents a significant leap forward. By training the AI model with images of 2x higher definition, we are able to achieve new highs in levels of precision and personalization and empower users to reach their unique skincare goals. HD Skin Analysis allows skincare brands, medical estheticians, and dermatologists to offer the best course of treatment on a case-by-case basis.”

To learn more about the new HD Skin Analysis solution, visit the following webpage:

About Perfect Corp.

Perfect Corp. (NYSE: PERF) leverages ‘Beautiful AI’ innovations to make our world more beautiful. As a pioneer and leader in the space, Perfect Corp. works with over 600 partners around the globe to empower brands to embrace the digital-first world by transforming shopping journeys through digital tech innovations. Perfect Corp.’s suite of enterprise solutions deliver synergistic, technology-driven experiences that facilitate sustainable, ultra-personalized, and engaging shopping journeys through hyper-realistic virtual try-ons, AI-powered skin analyses, personalized product recommendation tools and many more Beautiful AI innovations.

Fonte: Business Wire

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