TXOne Networks: Leading the Way in OT Cybersecurity for Semiconductor Manufacturing

TXOne Networks, a leader in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) security, is at the forefront of operational technology (OT) cybersecurity, delivering specialized solutions tailored for the semiconductor ind...

Autore: Business Wire

TAIPEI, Taiwan: TXOne Networks, a leader in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) security, is at the forefront of operational technology (OT) cybersecurity, delivering specialized solutions tailored for the semiconductor industry. The company is committed to safeguarding the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of semiconductor-manufacturing operations, fostering a secure environment for innovation and production excellence.

TXOne Networks has entered a strategic partnership with Applied Materials Inc. (Nasdaq: AMAT), which provides materials engineering solutions that are widely used in semiconductor chips and advanced displays globally. The partnership is reflective of the increasing importance of OT security throughout the semiconductor supply chain. TXOne Networks and AMAT share a dedication to enhancing semiconductor OT security and are aligning efforts to fortify industry standards and innovation. As previously announced, AMAT has invested in TXOne Networks.

There are crucial strategic benefits of the collaboration to AMAT, TXOne Networks, their customers and the broader semiconductor-manufacturing ecosystem. Beyond enhancing AMAT's OT cybersecurity capabilities, the partnership is intended to extend into product cybersecurity. Through collaborative efforts with SMCC and other associations, TXOne Networks aims to bolster AMAT’s supply-chain cybersecurity.

Dr. Terence Liu, chief executive officer, TXOne Networks: “We see tremendous potential for a long-term partnership with Applied Materials. AMAT’s solutions are used to produce virtually every new chip and advanced display in the world. We profoundly value their expertise and insights in semiconductor manufacturing. AMAT's esteemed reputation in the industry and TXOne's pioneering role in OT cybersecurity make this partnership particularly advantageous.”

“We are excited about investing again in TXOne Networks, as we see it as an ideal partner in the semiconductor space,” said Abhishek Sud, head, growth and software investments, Applied Ventures. “Through AMAT’s experience with helping customers around the world create faster, more efficient chips, we have seen OT security emerging as an increasingly key strategic focus area within the semiconductor supply chain. It is clear that TXOne Networks’ proven and inventive solutions for advanced threat detection and response position the company for significant growth.”

Added Dr. Omkaram Nalamasu, senior vice president and chief technical officer, Applied Materials, and president, Applied Ventures LLC, AMAT’s venture-capital arm: “OT security is so important in the semiconductor supply chain. We see TXOne Networks as an ideal partner in the semiconductor space, as we are impressed with their understanding and unique capabilities for OT security. We look forward to a long collaboration to the benefit of semiconductor players globally.”

TXOne Networks’ commitment to semiconductor cybersecurity operations is longstanding. The company’s accomplishments and activities in the space are varied:

TXOne Networks secures the operations of more than 3,600 organizations globally in semiconductor manufacturing and other industries including automotive, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, public transportation, utilities, electronics, healthcare, mining and metals, oil and gas, and aerospace.

About TXOne Networks

TXOne Networks offers cybersecurity solutions that ensure the reliability and safety of industrial control systems and operational technology environments. TXOne Networks works together with both leading manufacturers and critical infrastructure operators to develop practical, operations-friendly approaches to cyber defense. TXOne Networks offers both network-based and endpoint-based products to secure the OT network and mission-critical devices using a real-time, defense-in-depth approach. www.txone.com

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Fonte: Business Wire

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