Beatdapp and Beatport Forge Strategic Alliance to Ensure Legitimate Streaming Experience

In a move to bolster trust and integrity within the music streaming realm, Beatdapp Software Inc., a leading authority in fraud detection, has joined forces with Beatport, the global leader in music f...

Autore: Business Wire

Enhancing Integrity: Beatport Partners with Beatdapp to Combat Streaming Fraud

VANCOUVER, British Columbia & LONDON: In a move to bolster trust and integrity within the music streaming realm, Beatdapp Software Inc., a leading authority in fraud detection, has joined forces with Beatport, the global leader in music for DJs, producers, and their fans. The partnership aims to ensure the authenticity of every stream on Beatport’s platform while eradicating fraudulent activities. By integrating Beatdapp’s sophisticated fraud detection technology, Beatport is poised to deliver daily, weekly, and monthly streaming charts devoid of manipulation or fraud, providing users with accurate insights into music trends and consumption patterns.

Robb McDaniels, CEO of Beatport, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, "At Beatport, we have always been committed to leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance the music experience for our users. Partnering with Beatdapp aligns perfectly with our mission to tackle the issue of streaming fraud proactively, ensuring a fair and transparent environment for artists and listeners alike."

Streaming fraud has posed a significant challenge to the music industry, undermining the integrity of streaming platforms and impacting artist royalties by over $2 billion annually. Helen Sartory, Chief Revenue Officer of The Beatport Group, added, “We launched streaming products under the Beatport and Beatsource brands in 2019, and despite the fact that they have not historically been a target for streaming fraud, suspicious activity has been on the rise in recent months. Although our fraud rates still remain half that of the industry average, we rely on accurate streaming data not only to preserve fair compensation to artists and labels, but also for track recommendations and analytics. We are excited to be able to work with Beatdapp to ensure that our data is representative of authentic listener engagement.”

Andrew Batey and Morgan Hayduk, Co-CEOs of Beatdapp, expressed their excitement about the partnership, emphasizing Beatport’s proactive approach to combating fraud. "We are thrilled to collaborate with Beatport, an industry leader that shares our commitment to combating streaming fraud. Together, we will ensure that artists receive fair and accurate compensation for their work, while providing users with confidence in the legitimacy of their streaming numbers."

Pouria Assadipour, CTO of Beatdapp, added, "At Beatdapp, our mission is to protect the digital frontier of the music industry. By integrating our fraud detection technology with Beatport’s platform, we're empowering artists and rights holders to receive fair compensation for their creative endeavors."

This partnership marks a significant milestone in the fight against streaming fraud, reaffirming both Beatport and Beatdapp’s dedication to fostering a fair and sustainable music ecosystem. Artists can rest assured that their contributions will be valued and rewarded appropriately, while users can enjoy a seamless and trustworthy streaming experience on Beatport’s platform.

For more information about Beatdapp Software Inc. and Beatport, please visit or

Fonte: Business Wire

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