Enzoic Unveils Partner Program to Help Combat Dark Web Exposures

#DarkWeb--Enzoic, a leader in cybersecurity credential screening and Dark Web intelligence, has unveiled its Enzoic Global Partner Program to help organizations strengthen their security posture in re...

Autore: Business Wire

Solutions Mitigate Threats from Compromised Credentials, Identity Theft and Payment Card Fraud

BOULDER, Colo.: #DarkWeb--Enzoic, a leader in cybersecurity credential screening and Dark Web intelligence, has unveiled its Enzoic Global Partner Program to help organizations strengthen their security posture in response to the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Participants have access to Enzoic’s award-winning threat intelligence solutions which continuously monitor the Dark Web for newly exposed sensitive data—preventing hackers from exploiting this information. Enzoic addresses numerous security vulnerabilities including:

The Enzoic Global Partner Program currently has sixty members and focuses on three key segments:

“Organizations need Dark Web visibility if they have any hope of fighting back against today’s barrage of threats,” said Kristen Wilson, co-founder and CEO, Enzoic. “Our partner program provides this vital intelligence without adding any additional user friction or administrative burden. We’re making it much easier for companies to eliminate passwords as a threat vector, mitigate damage from PII exposure, and prevent fraudulent payment card activity. Our solutions are quick to install and prohibit threat actors from capitalizing on Dark Web data exposures.”

To learn more about the Enzoic Global Partner Program, please click here.

About Enzoic

Enzoic is an enterprise-focused cybersecurity company committed to preventing account takeover, identity theft and fraud through threat intelligence monitoring. Organizations rely on Enzoic's solutions to identify compromised credentials, exposed PII, and vulnerable payment card data and act swiftly to mitigate the risk.

Enzoic is a privately held company in Colorado. Learn more about Enzoic here and connect on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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