Nucleus Research Releases 2024 Content Services and Collaboration (CSC) Technology Value Matrix

#ROI--Content services and collaboration (CSC) solutions remain an essential part of an organization’s technology infrastructure. Serving as a central hub for content management, process automation,...

Autore: Business Wire

Leaders in the SMB ERP market include Box, Epicor ECM (DocStar), Laserfiche, M-Files, and Zoho

MIAMI: #ROI--Content services and collaboration (CSC) solutions remain an essential part of an organization’s technology infrastructure. Serving as a central hub for content management, process automation, and internal and external collaboration, these tools help add efficiency to cross-departmental processes while maintaining high levels of data security. While cloud migration remains at a steady pace, Nucleus expects the emergence of new functionality will be a push factor for organizations still operating on-premises deployments, with many vendors offering migration services.

“The introduction of generative AI in a sparse market has given some providers a competitive advantage, as many rush to differentiate through their investments in the technology either through partnership, acquisition, or native development,” said Research Manager Evelyn McMullen. “The successful application and adoption of generative AI capabilities for CSC users relies on vendors’ ability to demonstrate value in use, stay on top of security, and ease cloud migration for customers still operating in on-premises environments.”

Leaders in the CSC market are continuing to invest in AI and machine learning, with many partnering with large providers such as Google and Microsoft. While adoption of the new technology has dragged across several SaaS markets due to security concerns, the historical emphasis that CSC providers have placed on compliance and data protection has given organizations higher levels of confidence.

Leaders in this year’s Value Matrix deliver advanced functionality without sacrificing ease-of-use at scale. These include Box, Epicor ECM (DocStar), Laserfiche, M-Files, and Zoho.

The Experts in this year’s Value Matrix are organizations that deliver value to customers with complex use cases through deep functionality and industry-specific capabilities. These include DocuWare, Hyland, and OpenText.

Accelerators in this year’s Value Matrix deliver value through greater ease of use and quick implementation. These include IBM Content Services and NewGen Software.

Core Providers deliver core capabilities with faster and less expensive adoption. This year’s Value Matrix Core Providers are AODocs, Digitech Systems, and Microsoft SharePoint.

To download the full 2024 CSC Technology Value Matrix, click here.

About Nucleus Research

Nucleus Research is the recognized global leader in ROI technology research. Using a case-based approach, we provide research streams and advisory services that allow vendors and end users to quantify and maximize the return from their technology investments. For more information, visit or follow our latest updates on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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