MacStadium Brings macOS Virtualization to Everyone for Free with Orka Desktop

#Apple--MacStadium, the industry-leading Mac cloud services provider offering Mac cloud compute, virtualization solutions, and remote desktops, today unveiled Orka Desktop, a free, local macOS virtual...

Autore: Business Wire

Easily create, test, and run macOS VMs locally. Share the lightweight images globally.

ATLANTA: #Apple--MacStadium, the industry-leading Mac cloud services provider offering Mac cloud compute, virtualization solutions, and remote desktops, today unveiled Orka Desktop, a free, local macOS virtualization tool. Orka Desktop is a desktop virtualization program that allows you to create and manage macOS virtual machines locally with an easy-to-use GUI interface.

With more developers building, testing and deploying macOS and iOS apps, Orka Desktop becomes a critical virtualization tool providing reliable, standardized development environments. According to an Apple enterprise report, 76% of large enterprises report an increase in their use of Apple Devices in the past year. Virtualization enhances consistency between development, testing and production phases, significantly improving operational efficiency.

“Orka Desktop provides the tools to allow developers to create many different macOS image versions locally, commit those into a shared repository, and pass them around for collaboration. Developers can also scale further by pulling those resources into an Orka Cluster at MacStadium where you can orchestrate workloads with cloud resources,” said Chris Chapman, MacStadium’s chief technology officer. “Because Orka Desktop wraps and compresses your macOS image with an Open Container Initiative (OCI)-compliant specification and sparseness, it can mean a 90GB image is reduced as significantly as 80% shrinking it to nearly 15GB, which makes it much easier to move around. The OCI wrapper also allows teams to work with most standards-based registries.”

“Developers regularly use virtualization tooling, but most aren’t aware of the fundamental differences and optimizations that tools can provide for Mac. We designed Orka Desktop to be the most performant and standards based macOS virtualization tool for Apple Silicon. Users can create or download custom macOS images locally for their own personal use, and collaborate with team members using familiar workflow, versioning, audit, and review controls. Ultimately, teams get the consistent environments that they need,” said Jason Davis, MacStadium’s chief product officer.

Orka Desktop allows developers to spin up macOS VMs quickly and easily. This is an ideal tool for developers who want to learn more about Mac virtualization as well as development team members who want to build and test locally. Some key features that customers can expect include:

Existing Orka customers can use Orka Desktop as an extension of their current MacStadium Orka Cluster, facilitating smoother transitions from local development to global deployment. This enhances team collaboration and offers safer and more reliable testing environments.

Orka Desktop is now available. To learn more, please visit

About MacStadium

Founded in 2011 and headquartered in Atlanta, MacStadium is a private cloud services provider and software-as-a-service leader delivering scalable and secure enterprise cloud solutions exclusively for macOS. The company’s suite of advanced software-enabled infrastructure, combined with its innovative technology, delivers the security, performance, reliability and flexibility its DevOps customers require for successful app development on Apple devices. Powered by MacStadium, Orka® (Orchestration with Kubernetes on Apple) Platform is the only virtualization layer available for Mac build infrastructure based on popular Docker and Kubernetes technology. MacStadium is a Summit Partners portfolio company with multi-site operations in the U.S. and EU. Please follow the company on social @macstadium or visit

Fonte: Business Wire

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