Eclypses Secure MTE® Data Protection Technology Now Available in AWS Marketplace

Eclypses, a provider of data protection solutions, today announced that Eclypses Secure MTE® is now available in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independen...

Autore: Business Wire

AWS customers can now seamlessly integrate next-generation encryption to protect their data, the essence of business success

BOSTON: Eclypses, a provider of data protection solutions, today announced that Eclypses Secure MTE® is now available in AWS Marketplace, a digital catalog with thousands of software listings from independent software vendors that make it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy software that runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Eclypses Secure MTE empowers organizations to elevate their data security with an integrated solution suite and AWS customers can now implement the FIPS 140-3 validated solution seamlessly within their IT environment.

AWS customers will now have access to Eclypses’s solution directly within AWS Marketplace. Eclypses provides AWS customers with the ability to streamline the purchase and management of Eclypses Secure MTE within their AWS Marketplace account.

“Securing your data is at the core of keeping a business’ promise to its customers. In an evolving risk landscape with new threat vectors daily – especially amidst widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI – organizations must go beyond tradition key-based security algorithms to proactively prevent incidents from becoming breaches,” said David Gomes, chief executive officer, Eclypses. “Now available in AWS Marketplace, customers can implement the Secure MTE solution natively as a next-generation encryption to safeguard their most valuable asset: data.”

MTE brings the latest in security by design to customers of all sizes that depend on protecting their data, their customer’s data, and their intellectual assets in a global economy. Now available in AWS Marketplace, companies can adopt MTE without expensive training, development, or integration costs.

“By partnering with Eclypses, we align ourselves with a company that shares our commitment to protecting customer data,” said Doris Schwartz, founder and chief executive officer, WILLPORT Holdings, Inc. “Eclypses’ innovative technology secures our cornerstone products, like WILLPORTtrust and the WILLPORT Multigenerational Super App, enabling us to navigate complex security and regulatory landscapes efficiently.”

Secure MTE: A Comprehensive Data Security Solution

Eclypses Secure MTE technology – patented and validated by the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-3 (FIPS 140-3) – prevents network incidents from becoming data breaches by replacing data with uniquely keyed and encrypted packets that, even if hacked, cannot be decoded. It employs next-generation encryption at the application layer for any web browser, including mobile and API. Secure MTE technology transcends traditional security measures, helping organizations defend against various Man-in-the Middle threats including zero-day exploits, ransomware, and credential harvesting.

The Eclypses MTE Relay Server delivers enhanced network security. This solution ensures full HTTP protection and network-level security for backend applications, APIs, and services sending HTTP requests across AWS environments. It provides a seamless integration process with no need for alterations to existing application or API code.

“Eclypses brings next generation, cutting-edge encryption technology and expertise to the table,” said Joel Martin, executive research leader, HFS Research. “Eclypses MTE will become a strategic asset for businesses aiming to drive innovation and growth in their industries while needed to manage data across applications, mobile devices, and a virtualize workforce and global customer base.”

Modern IT enterprises continue to bring more diverse workloads to AWS at a faster rate to gain competitive advantages and improve their application security posture.

With Eclypses’ solution, customers benefit from:

Experience the next generation of encryption with a free 30-day trial of the Eclypses MTE Relay Server here and the Eclypses MTE API Relay here, now available in AWS Marketplace.

About Eclypses
For business and security leaders who need to manage risk, optimize reward, and stay ahead of the competition, Eclypses delivers a complete data security solution. Eclypses prevents network incidents from becoming data breaches by replacing data with uniquely keyed and encrypted packets that, even if hacked, cannot be decoded. Eclypses’ zero-latency, easy-to-deploy, FIPS 140-3 validated solution protects the essence of business success: data. Visit our website to learn more about how Eclypses can help you unlock confidence:

Fonte: Business Wire

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