Reorg Unveils First Global Earnings Analytics Report With Comprehensive Insights on Over 2500 High-Yield Bonds and Leveraged Loans Issuers

Reorg, the premier global provider of credit data, analytics, and intelligence, proudly announces the release of its cutting-edge quarterly report on earnings analytics, covering over 2,500 high-yield...

Autore: Business Wire

In-depth analysis sheds light on detailed credit metrics of U.S. and European issuers of high-yield bonds and leveraged loans and serves as a barometer for the broader economy

NEW YORK: Reorg, the premier global provider of credit data, analytics, and intelligence, proudly announces the release of its cutting-edge quarterly report on earnings analytics, covering over 2,500 high-yield bonds and leveraged loans issuers. This report, the only one of its kind in the credit industry, is crafted by Reorg’s team of expert analysts using data from Fundamentals by Reorg™, our proprietary financial data platform.

The Earnings Analytics report, available exclusively to Reorg subscribers, delivers an unparalleled overview of key trends and an exhaustive in-depth analysis across both public and private issuers. This transformative report is designed to empower Reorg clients with a holistic understanding of the credit landscape.

Highlights from the first-quarter 2024 U.S. Earnings Analytics Report:

Ben Kovacka, Vice President of Credit Research and Analytics at Reorg, stated:

“Our comprehensive data, encompassing both private and public companies in the leveraged loan and high-yield markets, remains the backbone of the analysis driving critical investment decisions. Our clients not only gain rapid access to individual credit profiles but also benefit from monitoring aggregate trends of thousands of borrowers, and evaluating hundreds of financial and credit metrics across various sectors, rating bands, and company sizes.”

For an in-depth exploration of these findings and to access the full report, please visit our website at:

About Reorg

Founded in 2013, Reorg is the essential credit intelligence and data asset for the world’s leading investment banks, asset managers and hedge funds, law firms and professional services advisory firms. By surrounding unparalleled human expertise with proven technology, data and AI tools, Reorg unlocks powerful truths that fuel decisive action across financial markets. Visit to learn how we deliver rigorously verified intelligence at speed and create a complete picture for professionals across the entire credit lifecycle. Stay current with Reorg on LinkedIn.

Fonte: Business Wire

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