GuidePoint Security Launches Phishing as a Service

#cybersecurity--GuidePoint Security, a cybersecurity solutions leader enabling organizations to make smarter decisions and minimize risk, announced today the launch of its new Phishing as a Service (P...

Autore: Business Wire

Cybersecurity Solutions Leader Announces New Offering Designed to Help Organizations Optimize Phishing Programs

HERNDON, Va.: #cybersecurity--GuidePoint Security, a cybersecurity solutions leader enabling organizations to make smarter decisions and minimize risk, announced today the launch of its new Phishing as a Service (PhaaS) offering.

Phishing remains one of the most common entry points for threat actors – according to CISA, over 90% of successful cyberattacks start with a phishing email. However, managing simulation platforms and crafting convincing, efficient campaigns takes time and energy that many security teams lack.

By putting phishing simulation tools into the hands of experienced Attack Simulation Operators, GuidePoint Security’s new Phishing as a Service helps organizations maximize the value of their security investment and bolster their cybersecurity posture. GuidePoint Security’s Phishing as a Service offering includes:

“Our innovative Phishing as a Service optimizes your phishing simulation toolkit by leveraging the latest technologies and our highly-trained experts to deliver realistic campaigns, effectively educating your workforce and providing valuable insights into this critical risk area,” said Victor Wieczorek, SVP, Offensive Security at GuidePoint Security.

Understanding that no two security teams are the same, GuidePoint’s new Phishing as a Service offering is designed to seamlessly integrate into workflows, easily align with organizational goals and show customized results in real-time, providing users with a clear and accurate roadmap to better security. GuidePoint’s dedicated team of experienced offensive security experts will help customers optimize and manage the phishing simulation process and deliver tailored end-to-end results to improve their organization’s testing and remediation.

For more information on GuidePoint Security’s Phishing as a Service:

About GuidePoint Security

GuidePoint Security provides trusted cybersecurity expertise, solutions, and services that help organizations make better decisions that minimize risk. Our experts act as your trusted advisor to understand your business and challenges, helping you through an evaluation of your cybersecurity posture and ecosystem to expose risks, optimize resources and implement best-fit solutions. GuidePoint’s unmatched expertise has enabled 40% of Fortune 500 companies and more than half of the U.S. government cabinet-level agencies to improve their security posture and reduce risk. Learn more at

Fonte: Business Wire

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