B2B Online Payments Trends Report 2024: By 2028, the Global B2B Payment Value is Forecasted to Reach EUR 115 Trillion - ResearchAndMarkets.com

The "B2B Online Payments Trends 2024" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. Technological Advancements Driving Efficiency and Security AI, blockchain, and advanced E-Commerce pla...

Autore: Business Wire

DUBLIN: The "B2B Online Payments Trends 2024" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

Technological Advancements Driving Efficiency and Security

AI, blockchain, and advanced E-Commerce platforms are revolutionizing B2B payments by automating accounts receivable and payable tasks, offering insights into payment trends, and integrating AI-driven systems for optimized operations. Digital and virtual payment methods, especially virtual cards, are gaining momentum and are expected to grow over 250% by 2028. These methods provide enhanced security, reduced fraud risk, and greater transaction efficiency, with 80% of U.S. B2B transactions projected to be digital by 2025.

Customer-Centric Payment Solutions

In North America, digital and automated payment solutions are rapidly adopted, with ACH B2B transactions in the U.S. set to exceed EUR 15 trillion by 2024. Europe sees significant growth in B2B E-Commerce sales, expected to reach EUR 1.7 trillion by 2025, with a strong adoption rate among businesses.

Questions Covered:

Key Topics Covered:

1. Key Takeaways

2. Management Summary

3. Global B2B Online Payments Trends

4. North America B2B Online Payments Trends

4.1. Regional

4.2. U.S.

5. Europe B2B Online Payments Trends

5.1. Regional

5.2. Western Europe

5.3. Eastern & Central Europe

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/yy2tz5

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Fonte: Business Wire

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