Object First Signs CISA’s Secure by Design Pledge

Object First, the creator of Ootbi (Out-of-the-Box-Immutability), the ransomware-proof backup storage appliance purpose-built for Veeam®, today announced it signed the ‘Secure by Design’ pledge c...

Autore: Business Wire

Commitment to Continuously Improve Product Security to Benefit Ecosystem of Vendors, Partners and Customers

BEVERLY, Mass.: Object First, the creator of Ootbi (Out-of-the-Box-Immutability), the ransomware-proof backup storage appliance purpose-built for Veeam®, today announced it signed the ‘Secure by Design’ pledge created by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The pledge commits software manufacturers to continuously improve the security of their enterprise software products and services to build a safer business ecosystem for partners and customers.

“We are proud to sign CISA's Secure by Design pledge and believe all other vendors should show their commitment to security and do the same,” said David Bennett, CEO of Object First. “With 189 of our peers — and growing — we seek to set an industry standard for securing software products and services to reduce risk to our cyber and physical infrastructure. Object First is committed to highlighting our progress as we work to achieve and maintain all seven goals outlined in the pledge.”

As part of CISA’s effort, Object First pledges to meet the following seven criteria that are core to the Secure by Design pledge:

Object First aims to provide customers with a secure and reliable platform, and the efforts made in CISA’s Secure by Design pledge will further ensure that security is embedded throughout the company's operations and the design, development, and future versions of Ootbi.

For more information on our commitment to being ‘Secure by Design,’ view the full pledge here.

To learn more about Object First, please visit objectfirst.com and follow on LinkedIn and X.

About Object First

Ransomware-proof and immutable out-of-the-box, Ootbi by Object First delivers secure, simple, and powerful backup storage for Veeam® customers. The appliance can be racked, stacked, and powered in 15-minutes. Ootbi is built on immutable object storage technology designed and optimized for unbeatable backup and recovery performance. Eliminate the need to sacrifice performance and simplicity to meet budget constraints with Ootbi by Object First.

Fonte: Business Wire

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