Research Funded by Curebound Gains Continued Momentum with Follow-On Funding for Cancer Research Clinical Trials and Scientific Accolades for New AI Precision-Oncology Platform

#cancer--Curebound, a philanthropic organization that raises and invests strategic funding for cancer research, is announcing important updates on its grant recipients. This includes $4.1M in follow-o...

Autore: Business Wire

Philanthropic organization that raises and invests funding in pioneering cancer research announces two of its grant recipients – one studying fertility in cancer patients and another, studying pancreatic cancer – have received support to expand clinical trials, with another grant recipient recognized for generational advance in AI

SAN DIEGO: #cancer--Curebound, a philanthropic organization that raises and invests strategic funding for cancer research, is announcing important updates on its grant recipients. This includes $4.1M in follow-on funding recently obtained by its 2021 oncofertility Discovery Grant recipient to expand clinical trials; an additional $1.2M secured by one of its 2023 Cure Prize recipients to further support and expand clinical trials in pancreatic cancer research; and recognition for one of its 2023 Targeted Grant recipients on its new, transformational Artificial Intelligence (AI) precision-oncology platform.

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